HOT TOYS – 1/12 『The Dark Knight Rises』 The Bat

n The Dark Knight Rises, the epic conclusion to the Batman Trilogy by Christopher Nolan, Batman was presented an all new aircraft by Lucius Fox. In last year’s exhibitions, Hot Toys has shown the prototype of the 1/12th scale The Bat and fans were already anticipating the official reveal of this amazing collectible!

To celebrate Batman’s 75th anniversary, Hot Toys is thrilled to officially introduce the 1/12th scale The Bat Collectible to our new MMS Compact Series! It is highly detailed and specially crafted based on the film, featuring finely sculpted aircraft structure, remote controlled LED light up and propellers spinning functions and a 1/12th scale Batman Collectible Figure.

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自去年Hot Toys展出了《蝙蝠俠:夜神起義》的蝙蝠戰機後已令粉絲熱切期待!為慶祝今年蝙蝠俠面世75週年,我們現隆重推出1:12比例The Bat珍藏戰機連蝙蝠俠珍藏人偶套裝。此外這套裝更設有Deluxe版,除了蝙蝠戰機及蝙蝠俠外,更會備有貓女珍藏人偶及本可摧毀葛咸城的核能反應堆炸彈!各位蝙蝠俠迷萬勿錯過!