HOT TOYS 1/6 Action Figure《Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace》Darth Maul (Normal Version & Special Version) HK$1,780
【《星球大戰前傳:魅影危機》Darth Maul 1:6比例珍藏人偶套裝】
Hot Toys 於香港動漫電玩節特別推出星戰史上最受歡迎反派之一Darth Maul 1:6比例珍藏人偶,Darth Maul 一角首次在1999年上映的星戰首部曲《星球大戰前傳:魅影危機》登場,師承Darth Sidious,他是使用雙刃光劍的西斯武士,在Naboo星球上追緝絕地武士戰鬥中,殺死了Qui-Gon Jinn卻遭Obi-Wan Kenobi腰斬身亡,而後續星球大戰系列動畫作品讓此經典角色復活,更在最近上映的《韓索羅:星球大戰外傳》現身,讓星戰迷尖叫起來,因此,Hot Toys 鐵定採用“DX Series”製作模式首次推出Darth Maul 1:6比例珍藏人偶!Hot Toys韓籍藝術總監JC Hong、頭雕總監Kojun及塗裝師E-Lee聯手打造出兩顆不同表情神態的Darth Maul極真像頭雕,分別是: 嚴肅和怒哮的表情神態,臉上細膩塗裝上紅、黑色的刺青圖案,頭頂上飾有多顆尖銳的犄角;同樣兩顆頭雕均採用Hot Toys取得專利權的可動眼球 (separate rolling eyeballs) 製作,調節眼睛角度呈現出凶猛的眼神。此外,人偶配用了一個具有30多個可動關節、高度約29cm的可動素體,同時根據角色在電影中的設定,以造真人服裝的剪裁技術及高質量的布料製作出全套服飾,包括: 一件黑色有帽長袖外袍、一件具層次感的黑色長袍、一條黑色仿皮腰帶及一對黑色長靴。隨人偶將附上一把結合右手手臂的內置LED發光的雙刃紅色光劍 (可換配兩組揮動形態的紅色光劍組件)、一把雙刃光劍柄、一個Sith Probe Droid 連地台支架、一個望遠鏡、一個連帶在黑色手臂套上的遙控器、多對可替換的造型手掌及人偶地台。
於會場預訂Darth Maul人偶可獲贈額外配件: Darth Maul 仿全息影像迷你人偶
【Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace – 1/6th scale Darth Maul Collectible Figure 】
“You have been well trained my young apprentice. They will be no match for you.” – Darth Sidious
Trained by the evil Darth Sidious, the formidable warrior Darth Maul wield an intimidating double-bladed lightsaber and fought with a menacing ferocity. Though he was being defeated by Obi-Wan Kenobi during the Battle of Naboo, the Zabrak from Dathomir would prove to be much harder to destroy than originally believed.
Hot Toys is excited to present the Darth Maul in 1/6th scale collectible figure from Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace as the latest addition to our premium DX Series!
Expertly crafted based on the appearance of Darth Maul in the film, the 1/6th scale collectible figure embodies extraordinary workmanship and remarkable high quality details including two interchangeable head sculpts with incredible likeness, meticulously tailored outfit and robe, Darth Maul’s iconic double-bladed lightsaber with LED light-up function, a Sith probe droid, a range of interchangeable hands for various posing options, and a specially design figure base!
A Special Edition available in selected markets will include a Darth Maul hologram as bonus item exclusively for collectors.