HOT TOYS 1/6 Diecast series《Avengers: Infinity War》War Machine Mark IV (Normal Version / Special Version) HK$2,630
【《復仇者聯盟3: 無限之戰》戰爭機器 Mark IV 1:6 比例合金珍藏人偶】
在《美國隊長3: 英雄內戰》遭受了導致下半身癱瘓的James Rhodes穿上全新設計的戰爭機器Mark IV裝甲於《復仇者聯盟3: 無限之戰》再度歸來,其戰鬥力與火力卻有增無減,還在瓦干達 (Wakanda)戰役中的精彩戰鬥場面,從空中給予其他超級英雄的最強大火力支援!Hot Toys 憑着一貫高度細緻的巧手工藝,特別根據電影角色比例,以合金作主要素材,精心打造出這款高約32cm、備有逾30個可動關節的戰爭機器 Mark IV 1:6比例合金珍藏人偶,透過份量十足的質感和煥然一新的槍炮系統,給鍾情戰爭機器的朋友們,獻上新鮮感滿載的賞玩體驗。整套裝甲配以精密且複雜的結構,每幅裝甲均精細塗裝上仿金屬質感的深灰及銀色,全身細仔地印上數碼迷彩圖案以及於局部位置上印上機體編碼與星形圖案,盡顯Hot Toys 高度注重所有造型細節的深厚功力。此外,Hot Toys 為加強人偶的可動幅度,特別在雙臂、腰部及雙腿採用多重伸延的關節系統,縱然戰爭機器Mark IV外觀線條粗壯魁梧,亦不減人偶的靈活性。頭雕方面,除備有雙眼綻放白色光芒效果的裝甲頭盔,還會額外附有一顆由Hot Toys韓國首席頭雕師Kojun及美術總監J.C. Hong聯手出擊,根據演員Don Cheadle肖像精心打造的James Rhodey可揭開面罩的頭盔頭雕供玩家更換。胸口Arc Reactor的形狀亦變成五邊形,連同頭盔雙眼及雙掌設有LED亮燈系統,足本呈現戰爭機器Mark IV的威嚴氣勢。背部配有外置5組可動式的重型武器,分別是: 一枝可動式重型機槍、一對可沿著軌道上下滑動的肩膊機關炮、一對可展開的背翼裝甲,均備適量的角度調節功能,同時前臂上可安裝上兩組機關槍、兩肩內藏流彈炮裝置,如實還原角色在電影中激戰連場的作戰英姿。
於會場預訂戰爭機器Mark IV合金人偶可獲贈額外配件: 1:6比例Outrider人偶情景地台
【Avengers: Infinity War – 1/6th scale War Machine Mark IV Collectible Figure 】
“Don’t start celebrating yet guys. We got more incoming outside the dome!”
Everything the Avengers have fought for has led up to this moment – the fate of Earth and existence itself has never been more uncertain. In replacement of James Rhodes’s third War Machine armor, War Machine Mark IV is a new Marine-like armor designed by Tony Stark used during the Battle of Wakanda. This upgraded armor with heavily mounted machine is designed to coordination with Rhode smoothly.
Today, Hot Toys is very excited to introduce the brand new 1/6th scale War Machine Mark IV Collectible Figure from Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Infinity War – to our MMS Diecast series which the collectible figure is made of diecast material, and realistically designed to look even more like the armor as it appears in the film.
The movie-accurate War Machine Mark IV Collectible Figure is specially crafted with numerous details based on the image of Don Cheadle as James Rhodes/War Machine in Avengers: Infinity War, features two interchangeable head sculpts including a newly painted helmeted head sculpt with striking likeness and a helmet head with LED light-up function, metallic black and silver painted armor with decals and camouflage patterns, LED light-up chest Arc Reactor and repulsors, interchangeable forearm weapon armors, War Machine’s articulated back-mounted machine gun and back-mounted missile launchers, and a specially designed Avengers: Infinity War themed figure stand!
A Special Edition only available in selected countries will specially included a battle damaged Outrider diorama attachable to the figure stand and an interchangeable rocky ground graphic card.