HOT TOYS 1/4 Action Figure《STAR WARS Episode VI》Darth Vader (Normal Version & Special Version) HK$3,680
由1977年首齣《星球大戰》電影正式面世至今,黑武士對電影迷帶來的影響力,從來沒有任何靜止跡象,當每次Hot Toys發佈有關黑武士的產品消息,都瞬間成為星戰狂迷的焦點。今年,Hot Toys再次取材電影《星球大戰VI:武士復仇》以升級比例、全新打造一個高逾50cm及具30個可動關節的黑武士 1:4比例珍藏人偶,精心製作出一個可揭除面罩的黑武士造型頭盔,還原出極像真的Anakin Skywalker頭雕,無論服飾造型的細緻度及可動幅度都有越級提升,完美呈現帝國霸主的懾人氣勢!Hot Toys製作團隊作出技術性突破,將極像真的Anakin Skywalker頭雕與黑武士頭盔合而為一,玩家們揭開黑武士頭盔上的面罩後,除了可看到頭盔内部細緻複雜的機械結構外,更可組裝上由Hot Toys頭雕師Ha Young Kang與Viva Lai,以及首席藝術總監JC. Hong聯手主理的Anakin Skywalker頭雕,打造出電影中黑武士除去頭盔面罩,希望以Anakin Skywalker的真面目看清楚兒子Luke Skywalker一幕的造型,單單是其可露出Anakin Skywalker極像真頭雕的黑武士頭盔已值得選購。整套以黑色為主調的服飾將採用呈波浪型壓紋的布料,以精細的剪裁技巧打造,而其黑色霸氣披風亦以質感更細密及上乘的布料製作,令披風連接肩膊的貼服度和下墜感有更佳效果。此外,黑武士胸前的維生器和腰帶上的兩個控制盒更內置LED燈光效果,其走馬燈般的閃爍方式是100%符合電影設定,每一項細節不論配件的外型設計、安裝位置與選材都一絲不苟。人偶更會附上一把可LED發光的紅色光劍 (可換配揮動形態的紅色光劍組件) 和10個已帶上黑色手套造型的可替換前手臂,當中一款為斷掌手型,是特別按照電影中黑武士與Luke Skywalker父子對決一幕,被Luke Skywalker砍斷手掌,可看到斷掌內的機械細節。此外,人偶地台是參照死星內部結構所獨特設計,除了嵌上電影logo及Darth Vader名牌外,更有帝國標誌圖案和內置LED發光效果,呈現帝國霸主的懾人氣勢!
於會場預訂黑武士人偶可獲贈額外配件: LED發光珍藏頭盔支架一個
【Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi- 1/4th scale Darth Vader Collectible Figure】
“You underestimate the power of the Dark Side. If you will not fight, then you will meet your destiny.”
Seduced by the Dark Side of the Force and became a powerful Sith Lord, Darth Vader served under the Emperor for decades enforcing his Master’s will and seeking to crush the fledgling Rebel Alliance, but there was still good in him when Luke Skywalker came to face him and the Emperor after learning the truth…
Hot Toys is very pleased to officially present today, the remarkable 1/4th scale collectible figure of Darth Vader from Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi that will surely be a treasured collectible among Star Wars fans with its incredible details!
This highly-accurate quarter-scale collectible figure is sophisticatedly developed based on the appearance of Darth Vader featuring a incredibly meticulous helmet with interior mechanical details, a newly developed unmasked head sculpt with amazing likeness, faithfully recreated Darth Vader armor and outfit with LED lighted chest panel and belt boxes, LED light-up lightsaber, interchangeable severed gauntlet and hand, as well as a LED light-up Death Star themed figure stand!
Furthermore, a Special Edition only available for selected markets will exclusively include an additional LED light-up Darth Vader helmet base!