HOT TOYS 1/6 Action Figure《韓索羅: 星球大戰外傳》韓索羅 DX版 HK$1,490 (Solo: A Star Wars Story – Han Solo)

【全新製作極像真韓索羅頭雕和全套服飾 ‧ 見證銀河系最不羈的英雄誕生】

Hot Toys曾推出了多個不同版本的韓索羅 1:6比例珍藏人偶,均得到星戰迷的正面支持與喜愛,Hot Toys 現以最新電影《韓索羅: 星球大戰外傳》韓索羅 1:6 比例珍藏人偶,還原角色人偶以揭露韓索羅過去的冒險事跡及見證他成為千歲鷹主人的歷史性時刻!

全新雕製與塗裝的韓索羅極像真頭雕由 Hot Toys 韓國團隊打造,準繩地拿捏到由演員Alden Ehrenreich 飾演年輕時代的韓索羅一角,高度還原角的眼神和表情等造型細節,對應角色在電影中叛逆獨行與自信不羈的本色。此外,Hot Toys 團隊按照角色身高比例和造型細節進行製作,配用了一個具有30多個可動關節、高度約 31cm 的可動素體,配上全套電影服裝造型,當中包括: 一件全新款式剪裁的啡色仿麂皮外套、一件 V 領灰藍色拼黑色長袖上衣、一條深藍色長褲、一條仿皮皮帶、一對塗裝上淡淡泥漬的黑色仿皮長靴,以及一條附有槍袋的腰帶。此外,韓索羅 1:6 比例珍藏人偶的武器裝備豐富,將備有一把韓索羅的經典手槍、一條金色幸運骰子鏈、一隻手錶、一個通訊器 (可掛在腰帶上)、多對造型手掌,以及一個配有一張可替換地台咭紙的角色人偶地台,足本還原此具重量級影響力的韓索羅角色人偶!

以上為普通版本的造型與裝備設定,而豪華版本的韓索羅 1:6 比例珍藏人偶將額外附上一件對應雪地場景時所穿的棕色毛絨外套 (內置假兩件般的啡色仿麂皮外套)、一個雪地眼罩 (另備一個戴雪地眼罩專屬的可替換頭髮配件)、一條爬山腰帶、三隻戴上深啡色手套的造型手掌,以及一張雪地背景可替換地台咭紙。

【Solo: A Star Wars Story – 1/6th scale Han Solo (Deluxe Version) Collectible Figure】

“I’ve waited a long time for a shot like this.” – Han Solo

The newest chapter of the Star Wars saga is unfolding in the upcoming Solo: A Star Wars Story! Fans will finally learn the past of the galaxy’s most beloved scoundrel – Han Solo.

Times were tough under Imperial rule. Han, a street thief, worked for a notorious gang on Corellia, stealing goods and cutting deals on behalf of an ill-tempered crime boss. Through a series of daring escapades deep within a dark and dangerous criminal underworld, Han Solo meets his mighty future copilot Chewbacca and encounters the notorious gambler Lando Calrissian, in a journey that will set the course of one of the Star Wars saga’s most unlikely heroes.

In celebration of the release of Solo: A Star Wars Story, Hot Toys is very excited today to introduce the brand new Deluxe Version 1/6th scale collectible figures of young Han Solo from the new film!

The highly-accurate collectible figure is specially crafted based on the appearance of Han Solo from Solo: A Star Wars Story. It features a newly developed head sculpt with striking likeness, a meticulously tailored outfit with brown-colored suede-like jacket, the iconic blaster pistol, an assortments of accessories including the symbolic gold-colored lucky dice, a wristwatch, a communicator and a specially designed figure stand.

The Deluxe Version will exclusively feature Han Solo’s outfit on the planet of Vandor including a pair of goggles, a fur overcoat, and a climbing belt!