HOT TOYS 1/6 Action Figure 《復仇者聯盟 3: 無限之戰》奇異博士 HK$1,630 (Avengers: Infinity War – Doctor Strange)
擅長運用巧手人偶製作工藝和極致細膩審美標準,將電影人偶活現大家眼前的 Hot Toys,再度結集團隊一眾精英,忠實根據電影原作設定與男主角班尼狄甘巴貝治的獨特氣質,合力打造出《復仇者聯盟 3: 無限之戰》1:6 比例奇異博士珍藏人偶。
Hot Toys 製作團隊為求以最高還原度,特別選用了一個高約 31cm丶具有逾 30 個活動關節的高可動專用素體,忠實還原奇異博士一角所具備的魔法師氣質與施展魔法手印時的肢體動作。全新奇異博士人偶頭雕將再次由Hot Toys 韓國團隊和台灣造型師攜手製作,細緻無遺地刻上奇異博士一角的面部輪廓及表情神態。同時,Hot Toys 製作團隊百分百按照著原版戲服的質感、紋理、剪裁比例及舊化細節等,打造出富有濃厚東方宗教色彩的奇異博士戰服,而當中披在戰服上的紅色魔浮斗篷更是採用全新布料打造。整套以深藍色調的道服,再加上交疊式腰帶及織帶護腕,裡裡外外都散發著一股大師氣質。靴子的造型設計同樣盡顯心思,藍黑色的高筒仿皮靴外,綑上藍色布帶及織帶作裝飾之餘,也突顯奇異博士這位魔法師身上潛藏著來自遠古的神秘力量。
隨人偶更會配備一對新增的仿金屬 Sling Rings (懸戒時空戒指)、兩條分別是開、關模式的 Eye of Agamotto 魔法鏈墜、14 款模仿光環魔法陣組件 (包括: 一個正方形仿黃光魔法陣組件、一組兩層的仿黃光魔法陣組件、一把刀形的仿黃光魔法陣組件、一對模擬正在施展魔法陣的仿黃光光環、一對圓形仿黃光光環、一對可穿戴在手腕上的仿黃光光環、一條仿紅光繩子,以及兩對不同大小的圓形仿綠光光環),再結合各款擺放出不同手印招式的造型手掌,以及一個《復仇者聯盟3: 無限之戰》人偶系列的特色地台連地台背景咭紙。
【Avengers: Infinity War -1/6th scale Doctor Strange Collectible Figure】
“I went forward in time… to view alternate futures. To see all the possible outcomes of the coming conflict.”
The arrival of Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Infinity War has crushed the worldwide box office record, edging out all the international title holders in the cinema history. As one of the popular leading roles in this massive production of Marvel Cinematic Universe, Doctor Stephen Strange, the Master of the Mystic Arts who is a sworn guardian of Time Stone has to protect this crucial piece of the universe while teaming up with the Earth’s mightiest super heroes and battle against the cunning warlord to save the world from the most dangerous threat ever.
Returned with tremendously strong mystic powers in Avengers: Infinity War, Hot Toys is extremely excited to present to you today the fan-favorite charismatic super hero Doctor strange in his very distinctive costume in 1/6th scale collectible figure with a number of symbolic accessories to recreate the remarkable scenes!
The movie-accurate collectible figure is specially crafted based on the image of Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange in the movie, featuring a newly developed head sculpt, sophisticatedly tailored and highly detailed outfit, two styles of costume display options with a magnetically attachable asymmetrical high-collared Cloak of Levitation with intricate embroidery, a variety of mystical artifacts including the Eye of Agamotto, a pair of sling rings, an array of accessories including variety of interchangeable hands and numerous mystic art effect as well as mandalas of lights allowing combinations for different mystic gestures and a movie themed dynamic figure stand with character backdrop.