[New promotion video added] 香港2018年9月13日上映:《鐵血戰士:血獸進化》(The Predator)

■ 電影簡介

31 年前的經典科幻鉅作《鐵血戰士》中,大隻佬阿諾舒華辛力加與戰隊在叢林受到巨型異種「血獸」空前威脅,飾演同黨的其中一員辛伯克,於「二十世紀福斯影片」發行全新力作《鐵血戰士:血獸進化》 (THE PREDATOR) 執起導演筒;秉乘《鐵甲奇俠3》處理凌厲動作、駕馭喘不過氣緊湊氣氛的本領,聯同《智能叛變》賣座監製,把經典系列帶到另一層次。


■ 故事大綱

全宇宙最危險凶猛的獵殺者「血獸」,已懂得自我增值改組 DNA ,加倍高智能,戰鬥力更強!一名少年意外地打開了啟動牠們的裝置,隨即成為血肉目標,其父親和一班殺無赦的義勇兵團,奮不顧身出手打救,阻擋悲劇發生之外,從而制止人類終極滅絕!

Predators, the most dangerous hunters in the universe, have been genetically upgrading themselves using DNA from other species to be stronger, smarter and more lethal than ever before. When a young boy accidentally activates a mysterious alien device and becomes the target of these upgraded Predators, only his father and the most unlikely band of crazy ex-soldiers can save him – and the human race from obliteration. From the director of Iron Man 3 and The Nice Guys comes the action thriller that takes the original 80s cult classic to the next level.

■ 電影資料

片名:《鐵血戰士:血獸進化》(The Predator)
香港上映日期: 2018 年 9 月 13 日
導演:辛伯克 (Shane Black)
主演:《奇蹟男孩》《抖室》雅各川伯尼 (Jacob Tremblay)、
《盧根》博迪荷布爾 (Boyd Holbrook)、
《變種特攻:天啟滅世戰》奧莉花曼 (Olivia Munn)
發行:二十世紀福斯影片 [20th Century Fox Film]
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