HOT TOYS 1/6 Action Figure《復仇者聯盟3: 無限之戰》鐵甲蜘蛛(Iron Spider) HK$1,590
為令這場 MARVEL 電影宇宙歷來最大規模及轟動的戰役進入更緊張的局面,Hot Toys繼早前推出了鐵甲奇俠、魁隆、黑寡婦、雷神奇俠、樹人和火箭的 1:6 珍藏人偶與無限手套 1:1、1:4 珍藏品後,現推出《復仇者聯盟3: 無限之戰》鐵甲蜘蛛 1:6 比例珍藏人偶!
蜘蛛俠一套功能全面升級的「鐵甲蜘蛛」戰服,其顏色在經典的紅、藍配色上再注入閃亮的金色元素,具豐富層次感之餘更充滿高科技感。Hot Toys 特別採用飾有金屬光澤色感的彈性布料去縫製整套緊身蜘蛛俠戰衣,並以滴膠技術處理布料上的各項細節包括胸口上標誌性的蜘蛛圖案和身上的網狀線條等,組裝在一個高約 28.5cm、具有逾 30 多個可動關節的 1:6 比例蜘蛛俠專用素體上,可輕鬆呈現多種動作及戰鬥形態。此外,除了手腕位置裝有升級版的蜘蛛絲發射器能配置多款形態的蜘蛛絲外,人偶背部更附設了4 支金色機械蜘蛛爪配件,而每支機械蜘蛛爪都附有 4 個活動關節,全面性模仿各種飛簷走壁的高難度動作。隨人偶將附上三款頭雕,第一款是由 Hot Toys 韓國團隊以巧手功藝製作的 Tom Holland 頭雕,細緻打造成熟和認真的表情;第二款是以金屬紅色具有 LED 眼部發光功能的全新蜘蛛俠幪頭造型頭雕;而第三款則是可替換眼部組件的全新蜘蛛俠幪頭造型頭雕,可配搭4對不同神態的眼部組件,玩味絕對滿分!此外,人偶還配備一個蜘蛛俠面罩、多款不同造型的手掌和一個《復仇者聯盟 3: 無限之戰》人偶系列的特色地台。
【Avengers: Infinity War – 1/6th scale Iron Spider】
“Oh, we’re using our made-up names? In that case, I am Spider-Man.”
This changes everything. The whole world has geared up for the upcoming Marvel blockbuster Avengers: Infinity War that arrives in less than one week time. The friendly neighborhood Spider-Man will have to use his wit, strength, and Spider Sense to help the other heroes stop the warlord from enacting his master plan to collect all the powerful Infinity Stones.
Being the movie in Marvel Cinematic Universe that has been all leading to, the excitement over this massive battle is at a fever pitch and today Hot Toys is thrilled to present the highly anticipated groundbreaking 1/6th scale Iron Spider Collectible Figure which has received a lot of positive reviews after it made its debut at Avengers: Infinity War exhibition powered by Hot Toys!
Designed by Tony Stark, the impressive brand new futuristic Iron Spider Suit has equipped with the latest amazing high-tech weapons. Expertly crafted based on the stylish appearance of Iron Spider with the most up-to-date details in the movie, the collectible figure features three interchangeable heads including a newly developed interchangeable masked head with LED light-up function, a masked head sculpt with four pairs of interchangeable eye pieces to create numerous combinations of Spider-Man’s expressions and a newly painted interchangeable head sculpt featuring remarkable likeness of Tom Holland, a newly developed specialized body, a skillfully tailored metallic red and dark blue-colored Iron Spider suit with gold-colored trims perfectly capturing all the tiniest details, two pairs of articulated Iron Spider pincers with stylish gold-colored painting, a variety of spider-web shooting effect parts and a movie themed dynamic figure stand.