HOT TOYS 1/6 Action Figure《復仇者聯盟3: 無限之戰》(Avengers: Infinity War) – Thanos HK$2,330
【最新版本電影造型服飾 重量級雙頭雕配置 無限手套結合LED亮燈與可動手指關節技術打造】
Hot Toys 繼上月推出了鐵甲奇俠、雷神奇俠、Groot 和 Rocket 的 1:6 珍藏人偶與 Infinity Gauntlet 1:1 珍藏品後,現推出《復仇者聯盟3: 無限之戰》宇宙級反派 ─ 魁隆 1:6 比例珍藏人偶,定必引發 MARVEL 電影宇宙歷來最大規模及轟動的戰役!
Hot Toys 團隊憑藉頂尖人偶製作技術與豐富經驗,特別按電影角色比例打造了高約41.5cm 的巨人素體,具逾 20 個可動關節,體型龐大,當中涉及複雜的體態設定;整個可動素體細緻塗裝上紫藍色的皮膚細節與肌肉紋理,手臂部分採用了紫藍色軟身包膠製作,展現出具備迫真澎拜的肌肉質感。兩顆像真頭雕分別由 Hot Toys 韓國團隊傾力製作出露齒憤怒和霸氣自信的表情神態頭雕以供替換,細緻無遺地刻上魁隆一角的面部輪廓和為整個頭雕塗裝上紫藍色的皮膚細節與下巴位置的坑紋痕跡。此外,Hot Toys 設計師緊接最新電影造型,套用魁隆最新版本的戲服進行剪裁,人偶配置了一件藍色背心型上身戰服,飾有金屬色與圖案的護甲與腰帶組件,而下身的長褲是以細密的布料剪裁而成,配上一對飾有金屬色的護甲長靴,更細緻刻劃舊化效果。與此同時,魁隆人偶將配備兩款戴上無限手套的左手全臂以供替換,分別是一個結合 LED 亮燈與可動手指關節技術打造高可動性全手臂和一個充滿著力量感高舉著無限手套動態的全手臂,兩款手臂上的無限手套將細緻飾有電鍍塗裝及舊化效果,同時 LED 亮燈無限手套更可配換在兩款左手全臂上,完美捕捉魁隆各個霸氣英姿。
【Avengers: Infinity War – 1/6th scale Thanos Collectible Figure】
“Dread it. Run from it. Destiny still arrives.” – Thanos
In less than a month, fans will witness the Avengers assemble again in Marvel Studios Avengers: Infinity War, who are brought face to face with the cunning, intelligent, and fierce warlord, Thanos, a ruthless cosmic threat consumed with saving the universe from itself. To stop him, the Avengers must join forces to bring down this villain who will stop at nothing to collect the six Infinity Stones.
Hot Toys has dedicated its great effort to create the latest Avengers: Infinity War collectibles based on the most up-to-date details, and today Hot Toys is ecstatic to officially introduce the highly movie accurate 1/6th scale Thanos collectible figure that Marvels fans eagerly sought after!
The spectacular 1/6th scale Thanos collectible figure is meticulously crafted with impressive likeness based on the main appearance of Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War. The collectible figure features two newly developed and sophisticatedly crafted interchangeable head sculpts inspired by Thano’s serious and angry expressions respectively. It also comes with two styles of LED light up metallic gold-colored Infinity Gauntlets with all six Infinity Stones and weathering effect, an additional interchangeable non-articulated left arm with great muscle details for Thanos’ iconic and intimidating clenched fist pose, a newly sculpted and tailored armored costume with intricate details, and a specially designed figure base and backdrop.