HOT TOYS 1/6 Action Figure《Avengers: Infinity War》Groot & Rocket Set HK$2,130
【全城關注的叛逆期造型Groot與最佳拍檔Rocket 續《銀河 2》繼續宇宙冒險之旅】
Hot Toys 繼上星期推出了鐵甲奇俠 1:6 珍藏人偶、Infinity Gauntlet 1:1 珍藏品及雷神奇俠 1:6 比例珍藏人偶後,再接再厲,推出《復仇者聯盟3: 無限之戰》Groot 及 Rocket 1:6 比例珍藏人偶套裝,續《銀河護衛隊 2》繼續宇宙冒險之旅!
Hot Toys 忠於電影原著設定,如實按照最新Groot 造型的身型比例塑造了一個高約 29cm丶具有逾 15 個可動關節的樹人專用素體。整個 Groot 素體是全新開發的,樹木紋理則細微雕琢而成。當中樹梢疏密相間,營造出豐富的層次感,加上整個人偶結合高像真度的塗裝上色技術,令外觀更顯逼真自然。極像真樹人頭雕附有兩個以磁石組裝的不同表情臉部組件,分別: 眼睛汪汪扁嘴和掛上反叛嘴臉的臉部組件。隨人偶將配備了一台遊戲機、一把雷射槍、多個不同手部形態的可替換手掌,以及一個《復仇者聯盟 3: 無限之戰》人偶系列的特色地台。(* Groot 另備單裝版本供顧客訂購)
與此同時,Hot Toys 更如實按照 Rocket 的身型比例,特別塑造了一個高約 16cm丶具有逾 17 個活動關節的高可動專用素體,除了配備 6 隻可替換手掌外,更特別設計了 2 對可替換腳掌,分別是站立及飛行的動作造型,讓個子細小的 Rocket 擺放出豐富多變的肢體動作。又參考 Rocket 於作戰時齜牙咧嘴的咆哮表情與面部輪廓,由 Hot Toys 韓國團隊透過精湛雕功和高度像真的塗裝技術,突顯 Rocket 的毛髮紋理和豐富的層次感。服飾方面,將根據電影的造型,採用一件式剪裁設計,製作出極致精細的紋理及裝備配件的深藍色系太空戰服,無阻素體一貫靈活性之餘,更可輕鬆模仿角色在電影中的自然動態。此外,隨人偶更會附上一把配有肩帶的全新雷射槍和一個《復仇者聯盟 3: 無限之戰》人偶系列的特色地台。
【Avengers: Infinity War – 1/6th scale Groot & Rocket Collectible Set】
Get ready for the return of Rocket and Groot in the upcoming epic release Avengers: Infinity War, which will unveil a first look of the Guardians teaming up with the Avengers! Fans are eagerly anticipating on how Groot continues to prove himself as a dependable hero while battling alongside with his comrade Rocket! Today, Hot Toys is delighted to present the 1/6th scale collectible set of Groot and Rocket from Marvel’s forthcoming film Avengers: Infinity War. The newly developed Groot is expertly crafted based on his appearance in the film, featuring a finely sculpted head with 2 interchangeable face sculpts, impressive paint application on his body reflecting his distinctive appearance, blaster rifle, handheld game console and a movie-themed figure stand with movie logo. The movie- accurate Rocket is specially crafted based on his unique physique in the film, it features a newly painted head portraying his roaring expression with remarkable likeness, specially tailored combat suit, interchangeable hands and feet, all-new highly detailed blaster rifle, and a specially designed movie-themed figure with movie logo.