
■ 電影簡介

「二十世紀福斯影片」榮譽發行、《盜海豪情》暨《毒網》金像導演史提芬蘇德堡大師級出手的全新力作《瘋 · 魔》 (UNSANE) ,憑著極致黑色風格,獲得業界高度垂青,參戰來屆柏林影展成為競賽電影,震撼刺激煥然一新!

■ 故事大綱

超人氣電視神劇《王冠》的出爐金球視后(戲劇組別) Claire Foy ,「入魔式」爆 seed 演繹震懾每位觀眾;她飾演極度神經質的貌美 OL ,自覺最近生活有點壓力問題,遂主動前往療養院尋求簡單心理輔導。踏進門口一霎開始,她受到職員們諸多留難,更被強迫有入冇出,威脅性地接受匪夷所思的精神病治療,面對人生最徬徨恐懼時刻 —— 她是正常?瘋癲?入魔?還只是心魔作惡?劇情錯綜複雜,技藝破格超然,結局保證驚震!

A young woman leaves her hometown to escape a troubled past and begin a new job. But when she is involuntarily committed to a mental institution she is confronted by her greatest fear — but is it real or just her delusion? With seemingly no-one ready to believe her and the authorities unable or unwilling to help, she must confront her fears head on. With twisting perspectives and a shocking narrative, Unsane asks questions about our perception of reality, our survival instinct and the system that is supposed to take care of us.

■ 電影資料

香港上映日期: 2018 年 3 月 22 日
導演:《盜海豪情》《毒網》史提芬蘇德堡 (Steven Soderbergh)
主演:《王冠》嘉莉兒佛伊 (Claire Foy)
發行:二十世紀福斯影片 [20th Century Fox Film]
網站:Official Website | Facebook | Youtube