HOT TOYS 1/6 Action Figure《廿二世紀殺人網絡 (MARIX)》NEO HK$1,430

【極像真頭雕完美展現角色神髓 豐富槍械配件 ‧ 經典造型重現眼前】

經典荷里活科幻電影《廿二世紀殺人網絡》於 1999 年上映,最為人津津樂道是其電影概念,以機器所創造的虛擬世界為題材,故事敘述男主角 Neo 加入反抗行列,意圖從中逃脫。Hot Toys 獲得電影公司授權,鐵定於今天推出《廿二世紀殺人網絡》男主角 Neo 的 1:6 比例珍藏人偶!

此人偶亮點在於由 Hot Toys 韓國頭雕師團隊以高超工藝,細緻刻劃出型男 Keanu Reeves 所飾演 Neo 一角的全新極像真頭雕,高度還原角色眼神丶表情丶髮型和鬚根痕跡等造型細節,同時,人偶配置了一副帶科幻感覺的黑色太陽眼鏡,絕對令人偶玩味加分!

此外,Hot Toys 製作團隊為角色特別塑造了一個高約 32cm丶具有逾 30 個活動關節可動專用素體,能完美呈現 Neo 在電影中各種經典打鬥形態丶甚至擺出躲避子彈的高難度動作場面。同時,根據電影原版戲服的質感剪裁,打造以黑色為主調的服裝及長褸,更細心為人偶安排了一條隱藏式腋下手槍套連下半身的安全吊帶及仿皮黑色皮帶,連同仿皮黑白色靴子,輕鬆還原 Neo 電影中酷帥的造型!隨人偶附有兩支突擊步槍丶兩支手槍及六支衝鋒槍,一個存放槍枝的黑色手挽袋,多對可替換手掌及一個特別設計印有電影 logo 和角色的動態地台。

【The Matrix – 1/6th scale Neo Collectible Figure】

“He is the one.” – Morpheus

In the binary world with one and zero codes, are you a zero, or The One? The legendary and widely acclaimed Sci-Fi blockbuster The Matrix has created tremendous impact on cinema and pop-culture of an era with its concepts and characters.

Portrayed by the renowned actor Keanu Reeves and ranked as one of the greatest movie characters of all time, Neo is foretold by the prophecy to be “The One” who can put an end to the war between humans and machines and free humanity.

With high anticipation from fans worldwide, Hot Toys is very excited to present the latest 1/6th scale Neo collectible figure from the award winning science fiction film The Matrix. With meticulous and careful craftsmanship, the very stylish 1/6th scale figure features a newly developed head sculpt highlighting stunning likeness of Keanu Reeves as Neo in the movie, the signature form-fitting outfit and long coat with sophisticated tailoring, “lots of guns” including assault rifles, various types of submachine guns, and pistols, the iconic sunglasses, and a specially designed dynamic figure stand!