threezero×永井豪 鐵甲萬能俠系列新計劃 愛美神(Aphrodite A)

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If you following our page for a while, you probably noticed that we don’t hesitate to show even the early stages of our work, because we want to share the excitement and the amazing path from early concept art to the actual figure.

Meet gorgeous Aphrodite A, redesigned just like Mazinger Z (at the moment still up for pre-order giving this classic by Go Nagai a new angle and vision. Please keep an eye at our page, as we will be sharing more soon!

正在www.threezerostore.com預購中的鐵甲萬俠Z系列有新成員了!threezero將愛美神Aphrodite A重新設計,加入嶄新角度及大量精密的細節,將經典的愛美神重新演繹!現在公佈開發中的精密3D設計圖,期待原模會在不久將來和大家分享吧!

threezero×永井豪の新作、アフロダイAの3Dモデルを公開! 近々原型もご紹介致します!