HOT TOYS 1/6 Action Figure《JUSTICE LEAGUE》Batman (Deluxe Version) HK$1,630
【全新設計 Bruce Wayne 頭雕 ‧ 專利眼部和臉部互換技術 豪華版本特配外星敵軍戰敗造型地台】
Hot Toys 全力支持電影,鐵定於今天發佈《正義聯盟》中唯一一位沒有被賦予超能力,但是相當富裕並擁有各種高科技武器的蝙蝠俠角色 1:6 比例珍藏人偶,分別備有豪華和普通版本供顧客預訂,快來結集您的《正義聯盟》珍藏人偶吧!
人偶頭雕由 Hot Toys 韓國頭雕師團隊細緻刻劃出演員 Ben Affleck 所飾演 Bruce Wayne 一角的面部輪廓,特別揀選了一個凝重的表情而打造出的極像真角色頭雕,除了塗裝上逼真的皮膚紋理和鬚根痕跡外,更刻意地塗裝上絲絲白髮,還原角色的傳神演繹;同時,Hot Toys 更參照 Ben Affleck 面相而製作了一個蝙蝠俠頭雕,亦保留了更換面部造型的玩法,奉上 3 對不同眼神角度的眼球及全新雕製的 3 款可替換的下半臉部的配件,完美捕捉演員凌厲的眼神和嘴部表情。
此外,Hot Toys 團隊更為角色而重新塑造一個高 32cm、逾 30 個可動關節的人偶素體,特別加強了胸部、腰部及手臂的肌肉感與線條,確保肌肉素體的外觀線條更加完整自然;整套全新的蝙蝠俠戰衣選用了具彈性與質感的布料剪裁縫製及印上線條紋理,配合上一件以高質布料獨特裁剪而成的全新黑色斗篷,營造出自然下墜感,讓電影造型被足本呈現到人偶身上。
隨人偶附有一把 Parademon 雷射槍、三個蝙蝠飛鏢、一對備倒鉤的臂鎧、兩把不同型號的蝙蝠索勾槍、五個蝙蝠勾爪槍頭(當中一款是打開狀態、兩款關閉狀態及兩款是發射狀態),當中的豪華版本將配備一個由 Hot Toys 製作團隊參照《正義聯盟》中,對抗一眾外星敵軍 Parademon 的場景而特別設計的 1:6 比例人偶情景地台。
【Justice League – 1/6th scale Batman (Deluxe Version) Collectible Figure】
“People said the Age of Heroes would never come again.” – Wonder Woman Shortly after the release of the long-awaited blockbuster by DC Comics, Justice League has generated huge responses around the world. The supervillain Steppenwolf and his army of Parademons attempts to conquer and reshape the Earth through the combined energies of three Mother Boxes, but in order to save the world from this menacing threat, Batman enlists the help of his newfound ally Wonder Woman to recruit a team of Metahumans to stand against this newly awakened threat and form the Justice League. Today, Hot Toys is thrilled to officially introduce a special Deluxe Version of the all-new 1/6th scale Batman collectible figure from Justice League for all DC fans. Meticulously crafted based on Ben Affleck’s appearance as Batman in Justice League, the movie-accurate collectible figure features two interchangeable heads which include a newly developed head sculpt and a masked head, three interchangeable eye pieces and lower faces capturing Ben Affleck’s facial expressions in the film, newly developed muscular body, a brand-new Batsuit and leather-like cape, a variety of gadgets and a Parademon gun. This Deluxe Version will exclusively include an elaborated Parademon diorama figure base inspired by Batman’s battling scene with the Parademons!