香港2017年12月14日上映:《明天,我要和昨天的妳約會》(My Tomorrow Your Yesterday)

■ 電影簡介

《明天,我要和昨天的妳約會》(My Tomorrow, Your Yesterday)改編人氣作家七月隆文(Takafumi Nanatsuki)的同名人氣暢銷小說,於日本上映時票房熱賣20億日元,由《寵愛情人夢》《閃爍的青春》愛情電影導演三木孝浩(Takahiro Miki)執導,《我想吃掉你的胰臟》吉田智子(Tomoko Yoshida)編劇,《閃爍的愛情》福士蒼汰(Sota Fukushi)及《近距離戀愛》小松菜奈(Nana Komatsu)一對極速上位的男神女神主演,浪漫感人演繹一個跨越時空的奇幻純愛故事。

■ 故事大綱

在京都就讀美術大學的高壽(福士蒼汰 飾),某日在電車上遇到愛美(小松菜奈 飾),二人一見鍾情並開始交往,但他覺得她總是怪怪的,例如第一次約會時她突然哭了起來,以及有驚人的預知能力。後來高壽無意中看到愛美的筆記,上面寫著的竟然是未來的日子和發生的事情……原來愛美是來自另一個時間逆行的世界,而他們現在只有30天的時間相會和戀愛……

Takatoshi Minamiyama (Sota Fukushi), a sophomore art school student in Kyoto falls in love with Emi Fukuju (Nana Komatsu), a girl he met on the train to school. He musters up his courage and talks to her. Though she bursts into tears the first time, they get to know each other and start talking every day. Takatoshi falls deeper and deeper in love with Emi, who supports his awkward personality with an adult-like maturity. At the urging of his friend Ueyama, he finally confesses his feelings for her on their first date, and she responds likewise.

Though Takatoshi is thrilled with his potential true love, he also starts finding certain actions of Emi peculiar, such as her premonitions. One day, he stumbles upon a note written by her. On the note is a date in the future and their foreseen actions. Just as he starts raising questions, he gets a phone call from Emi: “I have to tell you something”…

■ 電影資料

片名:《明天,我要和昨天的妳約會》(My Tomorrow Your Yesterday)
香港上映日期: 2017 年 12 月 14 日
導演:《寵愛情人夢》《閃爍的青春》《再會吧,青春小鳥!》三木孝浩 (Takahiro Miki)
編劇:《我想吃掉你的胰臟》吉田智子 (Tomoko Yoshida)
主演:《閃爍的愛情》《受夠了!我要炒老細》福士蒼汰 (Sota Fukushi) 、
   《近距離戀愛》《沉默》《渴罪》小松菜奈 (Nana Komatsu)
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