GOODSMILE 2014年8月發售: 1/7 PVC Figure 柳生十兵衛 12,000Yen連稅


Jyubei Yagyu

The master samurai of the True Shadow maid cafe as a gorgeous figure!

From the popular anime series ‘Hyakka Rouran Samurai Bride’ comes a figure of Jyubei Yagyu! Her hair accessories, the huge rope tied on her back and the swords on her thighs have all been sculpted in great detail for fans to enjoy.

She also comes with parts that allow you to pose her in her underwear instead of her standard outfit – simply select the pose you prefer and enjoy the company of the innocent Jyubei whenever you please!


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メイド喫茶 真陰(トゥルーシャドウ)のマスターサムライ、豪華絢爛にフィギュア化!



仕様: PVC製塗装済み完成品・1/7スケール・専用台座付属・全高:約180mm
原型制作・製造: 双翼社