[更多官方圖] GOODSMILE 2017年10月26日起接受預約,2018年6月18日發售: Nendoroid《OVERWATCH》源氏 經典造型版 4,900Yen連稅

838 黏土人 源氏 經典造型版


出自全世界熱門的動作射擊遊戲『鬥陣特攻』,第4彈黏土人是首度推出的男性角色「源氏」!頭部採用二重關節設計,比起以往的黏土人更增加了可動度。胸口部份也設有可動軸,藉此確保手臂的可動範圍,不只能重現忍者如特技般的武打動作,還能玩出遊戲中的各種動作姿勢!而大量使用透明零件製作的配件,更能重現源氏精彩絕倫的招式。此外,還附半藏與源氏的短篇動畫中出現的麻雀羽毛。這款充滿Blizzard與Good Smile Company愛的商品,請務必拿到手邊盡情賞玩!


838 Nendoroid Genji: Classic Skin Edition

“Even if I sacrifice my body, I will never sacrifice my honor.”

From the globally popular multiplayer first-person shooter, Overwatch®, comes the fourth Nendoroid figure from the series and the first male character to join the collection – Genji! The Nendoroid features a double-jointed neck joint allowing for a wider selection of angles than any previous Nendoroids. His chest armor is also fitted with movable parts which ensure his arms can be articulated freely, allowing for all sorts of acrobatic ninja poses just like his moves in the game!
A selection of effect parts that make use of a translucent material are included to recreate his skills, and the sparrow’s feather that featured in the “Dragons” animated short is also included to recreate the battle between Genji and his brother Hanzo. The Nendoroid is filled with love for the game from both Blizzard and Good Smile Company, so be sure to add him to your collection!


838 ねんどろいど ゲンジ クラシックスキン・エディション



仕様: ABS&PVC 塗装済み可動フィギュア・ノンスケール・専用台座付属・全高:約100mm
原型制作: 柳生圭太(RAMPAGE)

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ねんどろいど オーバーウォッチ ゲンジ クラシックスキン・エディション