HOT TOYS 1/6 Action Figure 《Thor: Ragnarok》Gladiator Thor HK$1,490


Hot Toys 搶先於香港動漫電玩節展示《雷神奇俠3:諸神黃昏》的珍藏人偶,粉絲們對雷神奇俠首次揮別過去一頭瀟洒的長髮的清爽短髮造型感到相當期待!Hot Toys 參照電影預告片中,將短髮造型的雷神奇俠於羅馬競技場上與變形俠醫對決一幕化身 1:6 人偶模式,於今天推出《雷神奇俠3:諸神黃昏》Gladiator Thor 1:6 比例珍藏人偶!

Hot Toys 參照演員基斯咸士禾夫(Chris Hemsworth)的身型與線條比例而塑造出一個全身具 30 多處可動關節、高約 32cm 的可動人偶素體。此外,全新短髮造型的雷神奇俠頭雕由 Hot Toys 韓國團隊傾力打造,除了五官輪廓以及表情神髓外,更於面部和頸項上印上紅色鬥士獨有圖案。整套以黑色的全新戰服結合細膩剪裁與多項細節修飾,塑造出一件黑色背心型的戰甲、一條黑色的長褲、一條仿皮皮帶連金屬色圓盾片及一件可拆卸的紅色斗篷。另外,手腕位置繫上了一對仿金屬色的護腕,戰甲服飾上多處位置同樣印有紅色鬥士獨有圖案。
武器方面,人偶將配備豐富的全新武器和裝備,包括: 一個可帶於頭雕上的角鬥士頭盔、一個盾牌、一枝像狼牙棒般的鎚型武器、兩把長劍、兩把短劍、一個可裝在雷神奇俠背上的劍套(內置磁石)和多對全新設計的造型手掌以供替換等等,讓電影造型被足本呈現到人偶身上。

In less than a month, the most anticipated Marvel blockbuster Thor: Ragnarok is about to hit the big screen! The mightiest God of Thunder, Thor, will be fighting along with the rest of the team against the new powerful villain Hela from putting an end to the Asgardian civilization.

Today, Hot Toys is thrilled to introduce the 1/6th scale Gladiator Thor collectible figure. Featuring a brand new appearance, the Gladiator Thor collectible figure is meticulously crafted with astonishing likeness of the actor Chris Hemsworth as Thor in Thor: Ragnarok. The figure has a newly developed head sculpt with Gladiator marking, a specially tailored gladiator armor with a red-colored cape, a Gladiator helmet, a shield, an assortments of weapons including swords, daggers and a mace.