香港2017年10月12日上映:《獵殺星期一》(What Happened to Monday)

■ 電影簡介

《格林雙俠:獵巫世紀》鬼才導演聯同《危機解密》監製,打造 2017 年最懸疑奇詭的科幻動作片-《獵殺星期一》( What Happened to Monday )將於 10 月 12 日香港上映,由《普羅米修斯》型格動作女星露美慧柏絲分身演出「七姊妹」,展現特技與演技完美結合;連同殿堂級女星格蓮高絲及實力演員《蜘蛛俠》系列威廉迪福,齊齊陷入撲朔迷離的人類災難……

■ 故事大綱

2073 年,人口過剩、飢荒肆虐,「兒童分配局」負責人妮歌開曼(格蓮高絲 飾)倡議「一孩政策」,政府嚴厲執行,搜捕超生子女。以「星期一」至「星期日」順序命名的七胞胎姊妹(露美慧柏絲分 飾),由外公泰倫(威廉迪福 飾)悉心特訓,共用「凱倫塞文」的身份,按自己的名字,每星期離開監獄般的家,出外生存一天;一切如常,直至某個星期一,「星期一」外出後再沒有回家……

In a not so distant future, where overpopulation and famine have forced governments to undertake a drastic One-Child Policy, seven identical sisters live a hide-and-seek existence pursued by the Child Allocation Bureau. The Bureau, directed by the fierce Nicolette Cayman, enforces a strict family planning agenda that the sisters outwit by taking turns assuming the identity of one person: Karen Settman. Taught by their grandfather who raised and named them – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday – each can go outside once a week as their common identity, but are only free to be themselves in the prison of their own apartment.

That is until, one day, Monday does not come home……

■ 電影資料

片名:《獵殺星期一》(What Happened to Monday)
香港上映日期: 2017 年 10 月 12 日
導演:《格林雙俠:獵巫世紀》湯米維高拉 (Tommy Wirkola)
編劇:《危機解密》 Philippe Rousselet 、 Raffaella De Laurentiis
主演:《普羅米修斯》露美慧柏絲 (Noomi Rapace) 、
   《銀河守護隊》格蓮高絲 (Glenn Close) 、
   《蜘蛛俠》系列 威廉迪福 (Willem Dafoe)
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