香港2017年11月2日上映:《男女單打戰》(Battle of the Sexes)

■ 電影簡介

「二十世紀福斯影片」誠意獻上口碑橫掃力作《男女單打戰》 (Battle of the Sexes) ,由《陽光小小姐》夫妻檔名導,暨《一百萬零一夜》奧斯卡最佳編劇,改編轟動全球的體壇真人真事,被外國媒體高度評價,譽為絕對有力問鼎來年多項影展大獎!

■ 故事大綱

《星聲夢裡人》出爐金像影后愛瑪史東突破形象演技,化身女子網球排名第一「世界波后」比莉珍金,碰著《特務 S 嘜》史提夫加維飾演的「前世界冠軍」波比域治,在重重挑機下,於 1973 年進行歷史上首場男女單打對決。這場世紀球賽意義重大,挑戰著兩性尊嚴不容有失;他倆各持己見、不肯退讓,在各界宣傳與炒作下,該賽事最終成為刷新最高收視的體壇電視節目,全球高達九千萬人次,二人更成為一時間話題英雄!


In the wake of the sexual revolution and the rise of the women’s movement, the 1973 tennis match between women’s world champion Billie Jean King (Emma Stone) and ex-men’s-champ and serial hustler Bobby Riggs (Steve Carell) was billed as the BATTLE OF THE SEXES and became one of the most watched televised sports events of all time, reaching 90 million viewers around the world.

As the rivalry between King and Riggs kicked into high gear, off-court each was fighting more personal and complex battles. The fiercely private King was not only championing for equality, but also struggling to come to terms with her own sexuality, as her friendship with Marilyn Barnett (Andrea Riseborough) developed. And Riggs, one of the first self-made media-age celebrities, wrestled with his gambling demons, at the expense of his family and wife Priscilla (Elisabeth Shue). Together, Billie and Bobby served up a cultural spectacle that resonated far beyond the tennis court, sparking discussions in bedrooms and boardrooms that continue to reverberate today.

■ 電影資料

片名:《男女單打戰》(Battle of the Sexes)
香港上映日期: 2017 年 11 月 2 日
導演:《陽光小小姐》尊拿芬迪頓 (Jonathan Dayton) 、
   《陽光小小姐》維拉莉科莉絲 (Valerie Faris)
編劇:《一百萬零一夜》 Simon Beaufoy
主演:《星聲夢裡人》愛瑪史東 (Emma Stone)、
   《特務 S 嘜》史提夫加維 (Steve Carell)、
   標布文 (Bill Pullman)、
   亞倫甘明 (Alan Cumming)
發行:二十世紀福斯影片 (20th Century Fox Film)
網站:Official Website | Facebook | Youtube