TOMYTEC 2017年8月24日起接受預約,2018年2月發售:Nendoroid《LittleArmory》朝戶未世 4,968 Yen 連稅
817 黏土人 朝戶未世
817 Nendoroid Asato Miyo
Guns x Combat x High School Girls
“From TOMYTEC’s popular 1/12th scale series of miniature guns, “”Little Armory”” comes a Nendoroid of one of the series characters – Asato Miyo! She comes with three face plates including a composed expression based on the box art of the original kit, a combat expression perfect for battle scenes as well as a crying face to show the cuter side of her personality.
Nendoroid-sized preassembled versions of the Carbine Rifle and Handgun Little Armory weapons are also included for her to wield. The handgun can also be holstered in the holster on her hips, and effect parts to display her firing the guns are also included to create heated shoot-out scenes!
The packaging for the figure will also include a background sheet with chibi-sized target dummies, which can be cut out and used together with the included effect parts to pose Asato training at the range!
– Who is the Little Armory’s Miyo Asato? –
Miyo Asato is one of the characters seen on the Little Armory packaging, illustrated by Haruaki Fuyuno. Together with her trusty carbine rifle, she plays a part in the defense of the region as one of the students of Koryu High School.
Little Armory Official Site:
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817 ねんどろいど 朝戸未世
ふゆの春秋氏により描かれた、リトルアーモリーのパッケージを飾るキャラクターのひとり。愛用のカービン銃を手に、指定防衛校 古流高校の生徒として地域防衛の一翼を担う。
今天要為大家介紹的是TOMYTEC旗下商品「黏土人 朝戸未世」★