MAXFACTORY 2014年9月20日發售: figma 赤城 5,000Yen連稅
figma Akagi
Admirals, are you ready?
From ‘Kantai Collection -KanColle-‘ comes a figma of the aircraft carrier, Akagi!
- Using the smooth yet posable joints of figma, you can act out a variety of different scenes.
- The ship deck on her back is articulated at the base for various possible angles.
- Areas such as the base of her quiver and her shoulders make use of soft materials for easy action poses.
- She comes with a standard expression, a half-damaged expression as well as a satisfied expression for enjoying her rice.
- Optional parts include her bow, her arrows based on famous aircraft, a repair bucket, bauxite and a bowl full of rice.
- An articulated figma stand is included.
只限於Goodsmile Online Shop 發售附有「中破甲板」
figma 赤城
『艦隊これくしょん -艦これ-』より、一航戦「赤城」がfigma化!
- スムーズ且つキチッと決まるfigmaオリジナル関節パーツで、劇中のあらゆるシーンを再現。
- 甲板は根本で自由に可動。また矢筒の根本や肩のパーツを軟質素材にする事で弓を引くようなアクションも可能に。
- 表情は「通常顔」や被弾した際の「中破顔」に加え、ごはんを食べている時の「まんぷく顔」をご用意。
- 付属品は「弓」、艦載機をイメージした「矢」、「修復バケツ」、「ボーキサイト」、「どんぶりごはん」と豊富にご用意しました。
- 可動支柱付きのfigma専用台座が同梱。