回天堂 2017年8月8日起接受預約,延至2017年11月發售: 比例模型《Mabell Original Miniature Model Series》1/12 流動廁所 TU-R1J 5,292 Yen連稅

1/12 流動廁所 TU-R1J

Japanese style!



1/12 Scale Portable Toilet TU-R1J

A highly detailed model toilet series!

A 1/12th scale model of one of Hamanetsu’s portable toilets (Japanese Style: TU-R1J)! The door can be opened and closed, and all the details of the toilet itself have been carefully checked by Hamanetsu to ensure a faithful rendition of the real thing. Enjoy the details together with your favorite 1/12th scale figures to recreate all sorts of new situations!

1/12 仮設トイレ TU-R1J



仕様: ABS 塗装済み完成品・1/12スケール・全高:約245mm
原型制作: リンタコ
