HOT TOYS 1/6 Diecast Action Figure《Spider-Man: Homecoming》Iron Man XLVII HK$2,180

【超極罕金屬紅、黑銀裝甲配色 迷你版無人戰機以模擬景深效果】

MARVEL STUDIOS 本年度重頭鉅獻《蜘蛛俠: 強勢回歸》將於 7 月 6 日隆重上映,為讓電影熱潮繼續升溫,現宣佈推出全球注目的鐵甲奇俠 Mark XLVII 1:6 比例珍藏合金人偶,勢必會引發《復仇者聯盟》人偶粉絲們的熱烈追棒!

鐵甲奇俠 Mark XLVII 是以合金素材,精心打造出高約 32cm、備有逾 30 個可動關節的全新裝甲素體,並以多層塗裝工藝為人偶細緻於整個機體上掃上極強金屬感的獨有配色,上半身的頭盔、胸口和下半身的小腿裝甲配上了經典的紅、金雙色;而其腰部至大腿部分則罕有地配上金屬銀和金屬黑銀色,將全新鐵甲奇俠裝甲型號,以1:6 比例合金珍藏人偶姿態精確呈現。

為突顯出裝甲上的機械紋理和細節,胸甲採用可拆卸裝置展示内部結構,整個 Mark XLVII 機體具有的 28 個發光系統細節。此套人偶除了配備一個內置 LED 亮燈功能的裝甲頭盔和一個無人駕駛型態頭盔外,更附有一個 Tony Stark 頭雕以供替換,加設一副太陽眼鏡,高度仿真絕對媲美真人。隨人偶更附上本集全新增設的兩個噴火式遙控推進器及一部迷你版無人戰機以模擬景深視覺效果,基本裝備包括: 一對可裝置在手臂上的導彈、一對可替換的肩甲、一對仿飛行模式的噴射手掌、一對可裝置於人偶腳底的飛行噴射組件以及一個電影主題的人偶地台,盡顯 Hot Toys 團隊於嚴格選材、質量監控與用心製作的認真態度。

Counting down, one of the most anticipated Marvel Studios blockbusters of the year, the Spider-Man: Homecoming will be showing on the silver screen fairly soon.

Following the events of Captain America: Civil War, Tony Stark took up the role as Peter Parker’s mentor, guiding him to strike a balance between his dual identity being a high school student and a superhero. With Spider-Man: Homecoming only weeks away from hitting the theatre, Hot Toys is very excited to present to you our latest Iron Man Mark XLVII as an extension to the Hot Toys MMS Diecast Series.
Made with fine diecast materials, the much elaborated Iron Man XLVII figure stands approximately 32 cm and with 28 LED light-up points throughout the body. The streamlined armor is expertly painted with metallic red and gold colors and a distinctive two-toned silver color in the mid-section. An array of components are added to the figure including: a newly painted Tony Stark head sculpt featuring likeness of Robert Downey Jr, an interchangeable LED light-up helmeted head, an interchangeable empty helmet emulating the suit in remote control mode, interchangeable armor parts and a specially designed figure stand.

Furthermore, a mini-repulsors deployer with two articulated mini-repulsors and thrust fire effect parts are specially included for this new Iron Man armor!