HOLLYWOOD真人版電影《聖鬥士星矢》進行拍攝! 新田真劍佑主演

真人版《聖鬥士星矢》確定演員陣容與發行細節,包含 Nick Stahl、Sean Bean、Madison Iseman、Diego Tinoco、Famke Janssen、Marc Dacasscos,以及新田真劍佑。

真人版由 Netflix《獵魔士》、《絕夜逢生》波蘭籍動畫師 Tomasz Baginski 擔任導演,Josh Campbell 和 Matt Stuecken 擔任主編劇,漫威電影《尚氣與十環傳奇》Andy Cheng 擔任武術動作指導。拍攝作業將會在今年於匈牙利與克羅埃西亞進行。

Pacific Rim: Uprising actor Mackenyu and Madison Iseman are leading the cast of Knights of the Zodiac, a live-action adaptation of the 1980s manga and anime series titled Saint Seiya being made by Toei Animation and Sony Pictures Worldwide Acquisitions.

Sean Bean, Famke Janssen, Nick Stahl, Diego Tinoco and Mark Dacascos are also in the firmament of the fantasy that’s coming off of wrapping production.

Tomasz Baginski , the Polish animator and special effects wiz who has worked on The Witcher, is directing the movie that Toei is producing.

The project had been in development for years and suffered several production delays before finally shooting this year. Josh Campbell and Matt Stuecken (10 Cloverfield Lane) wrote the most recent drafts.

The movie boasts the fighting prowess of veteran stuntman and martial arts choreographer Andy Cheng, who was the fight coordinator of Marvel Studios’ Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. Cheng acted as stunt coordinator and fight coordinator for the production, which filmed in Hungary and Croatia.

Toei, which was behind the anime that ran from 1986 to 1989, will distribute in Japan, with SPWA handling the rest of the world, excluding China and the Middle East.

Mackenyu, the son of international martial arts actor Sonny Chiba, who has made a slew of popular manga adaptations in Japan, is repped by Buchwald and Asian Cinema Entertainment.

Iseman, repped by Paradigm, Zero Gravity and Morris Yorn, appeared in the recent Jumanji movies and is one of the stars of the I Know What You Did Last Summer TV series.



今回のハリウッド実写化は、東映アニメーションと、映画「続・深夜食堂」など東映関連作品の中国配給を手がけるA Really Good Film Company Limited(以下、ARGF)が開発・共同製作を担当。監督はナイキやFIFAなどのCMを手がけたビジュアル・アーティストであり、ショートアニメ「Katedra(原題)」(2002)では第75回米アカデミー賞にノミネートされたポーランドの新星トメック・バギンスキーが務め、プロデューサーには東映アニメーションの池澤良幸氏、製作総指揮には同社会長の森下孝三氏らが名を連ねている。
