
■ 電影簡介

「二十世紀福斯影片」年度消暑鉅獻《帶著老母去旅行》 (Snatched),是《凸務 Madam 》賣座監製聯同《未來外父插女婿》過癮團隊,暑假壓軸最 crazy 爆笑大動作,並勇奪美國新片開畫週末 No.1 !《熱血喪男》大導演炮製,美國超人氣紅星艾美舒默,暨《大婆俱樂部》奧斯卡得主高蒂韓傾巢而出。

■ 故事大綱

敢愛敢恨的愛美莉本來約好男友 sweet sweet 旅行,出發前夕慘被狠飛,臨急召來荒失失媽咪陪她上路。旅行目的地是熱辣辣狂野 jungle ,這對母女截然不同的性格彷如水溝油,笑話百出,愛美莉誤打誤撞更招惹大賊垂青綁架她們!二人想盡千方百計脫險,多年來首度施展默契聯手還擊,差點命仔都冇……

After her boyfriend dumps her on the eve of their exotic vacation, impetuous dreamer Emily Middleton (Amy Schumer) persuades her ultra-cautious mother, Linda (Goldie Hawn) to travel with her to paradise. Polar opposites, Emily and Linda realize that working through their differences as mother and daughter – in unpredictable, hilarious fashion – is the only way to escape the wildly outrageous jungle adventure they have fallen into.

■ 電影資料

香港上映日期: 2017 年 8 月 10 日
導演:《熱血喪男》尊尼芬彌文 (Jonathan Levine)
主演:艾美舒默 (Amy Schumer)、
   《大婆俱樂部》高蒂韓 (Goldie Hawn)
發行:二十世紀福斯影片 (20th Century Fox Film)