2017年6月13日VR ZONE SHINJUKU發表新作: “新世紀福音戰士VR The 魂之座”,2017年夏於新宿歌舞伎町體驗操控EVA!

新世紀福音戰士VR The 魂之座


・第3新東京市第十使徒來襲!和夥伴們一起,操控3台EVA ,在活動極限內消滅使徒吧!


Evangelion VR The Throne of Souls

I mustn’t run away.
Pilot an EVA for the first time in VR history.
The future is in your hands.

*The wonders of VR technology have fully recreated the cockpit, aka “Throne of Souls”, inside the EVA Entry Plug. Board a specialized sensory machine and pilot your EVA in a VR world of massive scale.

*The 10th Angel is attacking Tokyo-3! Defeat it with the help of two other companions on EVAs, before your operational time limit runs out!

*Experience firsthand the thrill of the EVA activation sequence, including LCL immersion, A10 nerve synchronization, and sync ratio measurement, as you prepare for an intense battle with the 10th Angel!


エヴァンゲリオンVR The 魂の座





Official website: https://project-ican.com/