
■ 電影簡介

《流亡詩人聶魯達》 (Neruda) 榮獲金球獎最佳外語片提名,入圍康城影展「導演雙週」,是《向政府說不》著名智利導演柏保羅賴尼因 (Pablo Larrain) 的最新作品,由跟他合作過《向政府說不》的加爾卡西亞般奴 (Gael Garcia Bernal) 和路易斯力高 (Luis Gnecco) 分別飾演警官與大詩人,來一場《捉智雙雄》式大追捕。聶魯達是智利著名詩人,亦是 1971 年的諾貝爾獎得主,電影講述他受到政治壓迫而流亡,因此寫成傳世作品《漫歌》 (Canto General) 的傳奇故事。

■ 故事大綱

1948 年,智利右派政府禁制共產黨,著名詩人兼共產黨員聶魯達(路易斯力高 飾)因在議會上譴責總統而被彈劾及通緝,但浪漫不羈大詩人又豈會甘心淪為不見天日的逃犯?他公然向政府挑釁,不時現身公眾場所,甚至刻意留下線索,與奉命捉拿他的警長(加爾卡西亞般奴 飾)大玩捉智雙雄式的貓鼠遊戲大追捕,而這段流亡生活更啟發了聶魯達寫成傳世詩作《漫歌》。

It’s 1948 and the Cold War has reached Chile. In congress, Senator Pablo Neruda (Luis Gnecco) accuses the government of betraying the Communist Party and is swiftly impeached by President Gonzalez Videla (Alfredo Castro). Police Prefect Oscar Peluchonneau (Gael Garcia Bernal) is assigned to arrest the poet. Neruda tries to flee the country with his wife, the painter Delia del Carril (Mercedes Moran), but they are forced into hiding. Inspired by the dramatic events of his new life as a fugitive, Neruda writes his epic collections of poems, “Canto General”. Meanwhile, in Europe, the legend of the poet hounded by the policeman grows, and artists led by Pablo Picasso clamor of Neruda’s freedom. Neruda, however, sees his struggle with his nemesis Peluchonneau as an opportunity to reinvent himself. He plays with the inspector, leaving clues designed to make their game of cat-and-mouse more dangerous, more intimate. In this story of a persecuted poet and his implacable adversary, Neruda recognizes his own heroic possibilities: a chance to become both a symbol for liberty and a literary legend.

■ 電影資料

香港上映日期: 2017 年 5 月 25 日
導演:《周末殺人狂熱》《向政府說不》《第一夫人:積琪蓮甘迺迪》柏保羅賴尼因 (Pablo Larrain)
主演:《向政府說不》路易斯力高 (Luis Gnecco) 、
   《哲古華拉少年日記》加爾卡西亞般奴 (Gael Garcia Bernal) 、
   《哲古華拉少年日記》瑪士黛莫蘭 (Mercedes Moran) 、
   《神父俱樂部》《周末殺人狂熱》艾佛度卡斯特羅 (Alfredo Castro)
發行:Golden Scene Co. Ltd.