香港2018年3月22日上映:真人版電影《齊木楠雄的災難》(斉木楠雄のΨ難 / Psychic Kusuo)
■ 電影簡介
「得利影視股份有限公司」香港榮譽發行,超人氣漫畫真人化電影作品《齊木楠雄的災難》,鐵定於 3 月 22 日在港上映,更一次過推出原聲版及「超能好笑」粵語配音版!
原著漫畫以毒舌吐槽風格大受歡迎,單行本累計發行超過 500 萬部,並在《週刊少年 Jump 》連載中。《齊》由擅長將漫畫真人化的《銀魂》導演福田雄一操刀,並由日本紅爆小鮮肉、有「漫改王子」之稱山崎賢人,以及被譽為「千年一遇美少女」橋本環奈攜手破格搞笑演出!
■ 故事大綱
齊木楠雄一出生就有超能力,懂得等價交換、心靈感應、瞬間轉移等等,正所謂「個個都想有超能力,唔通個個都想用超能力咩」,齊木只想做個平凡高中生,有事盡量「揸流灘」 。但是,齊木的願望未能達成,因為有班無比騎呢、三尖八角不尋常的同班同學,總會搞出各種麻煩!被捲入其中的齊木無得甩身,只能偷雞用超能力打救同學。
呢個 moment ,齊木楠雄要爆喇……
Kusuo Saiki is a high school student who was born with unimaginable psychic powers. However, Kusuo only hopes to be able to lead a normal life without special powers. Contrary to his hopes, his classmates are all troublemakers! To get out of all the trouble his classmates cause, Kusuo reluctantly uses his powers in a way others won’t notice.
Around comes the big day of the year – the annual cultural school festival. If something happens, the festival will be discontinued from the following year, but his eccentric classmates won’t leave him alone! Kusuo is bombarded with disastrous situations, and he is forced to use his psychic powers to solve them! But with so many other students surrounding him, his situation only worsens…
Before he knows, a mere cultural festival turns into crisis that could end the world! Will Kusuo Saiki be able to manage to overcome this unprecedented crisis!?
■ 電影資料
片名:《齊木楠雄的災難》(斉木楠雄のΨ難 / Psychic Kusuo)
香港上映日期: 2017 年 8 月 3 日
電影網站:Official Website | Twitter
發行:得利影視股份有限公司 [Deltamac (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.]
網站:Official Website | Faceook | Youtube