HOT TOYS: 1/6 Action Figure《Star Wars: The Force Awakens》Han Solo & Chewbacca Set

Star Wars: TFA – 1/6th scale Han Solo & Chewbacca Collectible Set

【共同進退數十載,星際宇航最佳拍檔!全新極像真老年頭雕 升級版真毛技術服裝 叛軍主將絕地反擊】

Hot Toys自從推出一系列《星球大戰: 原力覺醒》的1:6比例珍藏人偶後,角色陣容近乎被代表著黑暗勢力的First Order完全佔據。而繼Rey、BB-8 及 Finn 幾個來自正義一方的人物後, 兩位影響力與地位無可替代的 The Resistance 反抗軍靈魂人物 Han Solo 及 Chewbacca終於亦宣布歸隊,強勢登陸《星球大戰: 原力覺醒》的1:6比例珍藏人偶系列,並以光明力量及持續復甦的原力,大舉抗衡First Order於銀河系不斷擴散蔓延的極惡勢力!

Han Solo珍藏人偶備有精準重現了演員夏理遜福(Harrison Ford)的極像真頭雕外,亦有細緻剪裁的服裝及雪地裝備、全新手槍及地台!讓大家透過人偶隨意還原Han Solo於《星球大戰: 原力覺醒》中的任何經典場面,貼身回味電影引人入勝的情節。


此外Hot Toys更推出Han Solo連Chewbacca豪華套裝,隨Chewbacca 1:6比例珍藏人偶更會另外加配一個炸彈控制器、三顆炸彈、一對用作握起炸彈控制器及炸彈的造型手掌,以及兩個Starkiller Base雪地造型情景地台可與Han Solo及Chewbacca的地台合併。

“Chewie, we’re home.” – Han Solo
The latest entry to the Star Wars saga, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, have broken numerous box-office records around the world! The return of the original cast have been one of the biggest highlights of the epic blockbuster and today, Hot Toys is very excited to introduce a special collectible set featuring the new 1/6th scale collectible figures of Han Solo and Chewbacca from Star Wars: The Force Awakens!
The highly-accurate Han Solo collectible figure is specially crafted based on the image of Harrison Ford as Han Solo in the Star Wars: The Force Awakens featuring a newly developed head sculpt and hands, specially tailored outfit and winter gear, all-new blaster pistol, and a specially designed figure stand.
The highly-accurate Chewbacca collectible figure is specially crafted based on the image of the Wookie warrior in Star Wars: The Force Awakens featuring a new face sculpt with articulated jaw, newly developed multiple layers of fabric hair with various shades of brown throughout whole body capturing Chewbacca’s unique appearance, all-new bowcaster and bandolier bag, and a specially designed figure stand.
This collectible set will additionally include 3 thermal detonators, a remote detonator, and 2 Starkiller Base-themed bases attachable to Han Solo and Chewbacca’s hexagonal figure stands as bonus accessories.







