限值練 2016年4月1日-5月31日接受訂購,2016年9月派貨: 12″ Action Figure 「12’HERO’s MEISTER ULTRAMAN」~Limiter解除ver.~ 31,860Yen連稅

12″ HERO’s MEISTER ULTRAMAN -Limiter Release Ver.-

A truly indulgent figure, with Shinjiro’s trump card “Limiter Release” move illuminated in red LEDs, and completely covered in a combination of metallic red and pink-silvers specially selected by Sentinel finishing artist Youji Hayakawa for an absolutely perfect replica of the original!

Also included is Shinjiro’s Head, featuring eyes that you can actually move!
* Shinjiro’s Head can also be used with the previously released 12″ HERO’s MEISTER ULTRAMAN.

One of our most proud creations – featuring the sculpture, articulation, weight, special features, craftsmanship, and passion that you’ve come to expect from Sentinel.

Order Dates: Orders can be placed between the 1st April 2016 (Fri) from 12:00JST until the 31st May 2016 (Tue) at 21:00JST.

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12’HERO’s MEISTER ULTRAMAN~リミッター解除ver.~

進次郎の“奥の手”である『リミッター解除』をLED(全て赤色)とメタリックレッド&ピンクシルバーを用いた千値練所属フィニッシャー・早川 洋司渾身の彩色設計にて完全再現!

※進次郎ヘッドは発売済みの「12’HERO’s MEISTER ULTRAMAN」にも対応。


order link: http://gentinel.net/ja/p/GEN-JP-004

©Eiichi Shimizu, Tomohiro Shimoguchi
Produced by Fields