2016年7月21日於香港公映:電影《捉鬼敢死隊 (GHOSTBUSTERS)》

Sony Pictures 2016年的暑期科幻喜劇動作鉅製,改編自風靡全球的經典同名電影《捉鬼敢死隊》(Ghostbusters)。由《凸務MADAM》導演保羅菲 (Paul Feig) 執導及監製,演員陣容鼎盛,《凸務MADAM》瑪莉莎麥卡菲 (Melissa McCarthy)、《最爆伴娘團》姬絲汀慧 (Kristen Wiig)、《賤熊2》姬蒂麥潔諾 (Kate McKinnon)、《喜劇天王》萊絲莉鍾斯 (Leslie Jones) 四個「捉鬼敢死女」,聯合《復仇者聯盟》系列基斯咸士禾夫 (Chris Hemsworth) 一同爆笑出征!

紐約市突然出現大量孤魂野鬼,四處嚇人,喪噴「鬼口水」,全城進入緊急狀態。惡鬼數量急增絕不尋常,背後定必隱藏驚天大祕密。四個各懷絕技的熟女Abby (瑪莉莎麥卡菲 飾)、Erin (姬絲汀慧 飾)、Jillian (姬蒂麥潔諾 飾) 及Patty (萊絲莉鍾斯 飾) 挺身而出,結合震撼世界13億人的高科技電子零件,組成「捉鬼敢死隊」,再加上戆直型男秘書Kevin (基斯咸士禾夫 飾) 一王四后救世界!記住,遇到衰鬼,急Call捉鬼敢死隊最有計!



Ghostbusters makes its long-awaited return, rebooted with a cast of hilarious new characters. Thirty years after the beloved original franchise took the world by storm, director Paul Feig brings his fresh take to the supernatural comedy, joined by some of the funniest actors working today – Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones, and Chris Hemsworth. This summer, they’re here to save the world!



Melissa McCarthy
Kristen Wiig
Kate McKinnon
Leslie Jones
Charles Dance
Michael Kenneth Williams
and Chris Hemsworth



Directed by:
Paul Feig



Written by:
Paul Feig & Katie Dippold



Based on the film “Ghostbusters”
Written by Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis
and Directed by Ivan Reitman



Produced by:
Ivan Reitman
Amy Pascal



Executive Producers:
Michele Imperato Stabile
Paul Feig
Jessie Henderson
Dan Aykroyd
Tom Pollock
Joe Medjuck
Ali Bell
Ben Waisbren
