壽屋 2025年6月發售:模型 MEGAMI DEVICE 1/1 皇巫 月讀 REGALIA 12,000Yen (於各壽屋門市及壽屋Online shop訂購附有特典)


Product Series Character Plastic Model
Scale 1/1
Size 220mm tall
Specifications Plastic Model Kit
Number of Parts 401~600
Product Material PS・ABS・POM・PVC (Phthalate-free)
Age Rating Ages 15 and up
Sculptor(s) Masaki Apsy, Noritaka Fukumoto, Unitec Inc, Task, Toriwo Toriyama, Amaai (Eye Prints)

Based on the Japanese legend of the Three Noble Children, the latest model to join Megami Device following up after AMATERASU and SUSANOWO is AUV TSUKUYOMI REGALIA!

Tsukuyomi clad in Regalia armor joins the lineup alongside the highly acclaimed kits, AUV Susanowo and Amaterasu. While it is a Regalia kit, it features plenty of volume on par with the Susanowo Guren and Souen kits. Several parts were newly sculpted for this character!
A support mech can also be assembled from the parts for even more enjoyment.

Megami Device is a plastic model kit series combining Bishoujo-style beauties and heavy-duty weapons and armor.
This model was designed by Nidy-2D-, the creator of the ASRA and AUV series!
The “machineca” body designed by Masaki Apsy allows for beautiful and dynamic poses.

Model Specifications:
・The face, hair, chest, each armor part, and other parts are newly designed and sculpted for Tsukuyomi, giving her a distinct personality that is completely unique from Susanowo and Amaterasu.
・While the equipment is the regalia type, it has a massive silhouette with each part containing various features.
・Tsukuyomi’s signature great scythe can be reassembled into the support mech, Kugutsu. Summon this cute skeleton mascot to her side.
・Includes three pre-painted face parts.
・Comes in pure white skin tone, Skin Color C.
・The parts can be configured to display the model in full armor for “Armed Mode,” or without armor for “Unarmed Mode.”
・The “machineca” base body boasts an impressive range of flexibility, allowing it to be displayed in a variety of natural poses, such as holding a weapon at the ready or sitting down.
・The kit includes a variety of weapons and joint parts that can be used to create different combat scenes.
・The 3mm connection points on each part and head compatibility parts allow this model to be customized with existing M.S.G, Frame Arms, Frame Arms Girl, Hexa Gear, Sousai Shojo Teien, Arcanadea, and Megalomaria series parts.
・Includes decals for the eyes and other markings.

皇巫 ツクヨミ レガリア

作品 メガミデバイス
シリーズ キャラクタープラモデル
スケール 1/1
製品サイズ 全高:約220mm
製品仕様 プラモデル
パーツ数 401~600
素材 PS・ABS・POM・PVC(非フタル酸)
対象年齢 15歳以上
原型製作 浅井真紀、福元徳宝、株式会社ユニテック、たすく、鳥山とりを、雨間(アイプリント)

アマテラス、スサノヲに次いで『皇巫(オウブ) ツクヨミ レガリア 』誕生!!

発売以来大好評を頂いております皇巫 スサノヲ、アマテラスですが、さらにツクヨミがレガリア装備で発売となります。
ボリュームはレガリアなれどスサノヲ 蒼炎、紅蓮並みの大ボリューム。多くのパーツを新規造形し新たなキャラクターとして誕生しました。

