HOT TOYS 2023年12月13日發售: 1/6 Action Figure《The Batman》蝙蝠俠 豪華版本 + 蝙蝠訊號燈 HK$3,230
【蝙蝠俠& 蝙蝠射燈 1:6比例珍藏套裝】
[蝙蝠俠1:6比例珍藏人偶 (豪華版本) +蝙蝠訊號燈1:6比例珍藏品]的配置
【蝙蝠俠1:6比例珍藏人偶 (豪華版本/普通版本)】
蝙蝠俠人偶的極像真頭雕由Hot Toys韓國頭雕師團隊以高超工藝、細緻刻劃出演員Robert Pattinson所飾演Bruce Wayne一角的面部輪廓,特別揀選了一個較為認真和凝重的表情而打造出的極像真角色頭雕,配有一頭深棕色的中分髮型與蒼白面色,襯托出他陰鬱的氣質;同時,Hot Toys 更參照Robert Pattinson面相而製作了一個蝙蝠俠頭雕,配置可動眼球(Separate Rolling Eyeballs) 和全新雕製的3款可替換的下半臉部的配件。此外,Hot Toys團隊更為角色而重新塑造一個高31cm、逾30個可動關節的壯實魁梧人偶素體,確保肌肉素體的外觀線條更加完整自然;整套全新的蝙蝠俠戰衣將採用電影特技級別的高端合成戲服模式,選用了具彈性與質感的布料剪裁縫製,飾有仔細的線條紋理,同時胸口上配有一個可裝拆的蝙蝠飛鏢;配上一件以高質布料獨特裁剪而成的黑色斗篷,由設計師透過多項的工序處理斗篷紋理與質感,營造出自然下墜感。隨人偶附有兩個蝙蝠飛鏢、一個爪鈎連鐵線、一個爪鈎、四件棍型裝備、一個謎語信封連卡、一副手銬及兩張地台咭等等。豪華版本將配備一件蝙蝠俠飛行衣、一柄黏彈槍連一枚可裝拆子彈、一個由Hot Toys製作團隊參照建築大樓元素的情景地台配件 (包括: 一個內置LED發光梯級及外牆雕刻),可還原3款情景地台形態,更附有一張爆炸場面的地台背景咭。普通版本將配備一個《蝙蝠俠》人偶系列的主題地台。
Hot Toys 參照2022年上映的《蝙蝠俠》電影中的蝙蝠訊號燈造型以1:6比例細緻打造,整個訊號燈約23cm長 X 24cm 寬 X 23cm高,配有像真度高的塗裝技術以呈現出訊號燈上的金屬質感,訊號燈上飾有機身細節與呈不規則表面的蝙蝠俠標誌,與此同時,訊號燈設有LED亮燈功能,備有可動功能設計,以調整投射角度,為蝙蝠俠珍藏人偶添上一層陰鬱沉重的氛圍。
【The Batman – 1/6th scale Batman and Bat-Signal Collectible Set】
“It’s not just a call… It’s a warning.”
The Caped Crusader is returning to the silver screen! In DC’s latest movie – The Batman, Robert Pattinson will don the cowl and become Gotham City’s vigilante detective and his alter ego, reclusive billionaire Bruce Wayne. The hero must forge new relationships, unmask the culprit, and bring justice to the abuse of power and corruption that has long plagued Gotham City.
Celebrating the official release of DC’s The Batman movie, Hot Toys proudly presents the highly-anticipated Batman and Bat-Signal as 1/6th scale collectible set from The Batman collection. It’s all-in-one box that includes the awesome Bat gadgets.
Meticulously crafted based on the appearance of Robert Pattinson as Batman/ Bruce Wayne in the movie, the screen-accurate 1/6th scale figure features a newly developed Bruce Wayne head sculpt and hair sculpture with incredible likeness; newly crafted Batman head sculpts with separate rolling eyeballs features, also interchangeable lower faces techniques design; a specialized body highlighting Batman’s muscular form; beautifully tailored Batsuit with cape and detachable batarang on chest; Bat gadgets including sticky bomb gun, batarangs, and grappling hooks, an array of highly-detailed accessories including wingsuit for gliding scenes, The Riddler envelope, handcuffs, a specially designed figure stand with diorama accessories feature LED light-up staircase and building décor, also a themed character backdrop.
Specially crafted based on The Batman movie, the one-sixth scale Bat-Signal Collectible measures 23cm in height, displays a screen accurate design with traditional Bat symbol at the center of the signal light, specially applied with distress effects, features LED light up function design, and an adjustable stand for angled projection.