HOT TOYS 1/6 Action Figure《MARVEL 未來之戰》制裁者(戰爭機器裝甲) HK$2,430 (MARVEL Future Fight – The Punisher (War Machine Armor))

【全新頭雕連重武器裝備加骷髏塗裝 以暴易暴反英雄狂熱登場】

Hot Toys憑藉一貫高度細緻的巧手工藝,現宣佈以Video Game Masterpieces Series系列為超人氣手遊《MARVEL 未來之戰》推出首款珍藏人偶 ─ 制裁者 (戰爭機器裝甲) 1:6比例合金珍藏人偶,由擅長各種軍火的制裁者去操控本來就是武器的戰爭機器裝甲,這個組合造型勢必吸引手游迷的眼睛,引發熱烈追棒!

制裁者新制服的設計靈感來自於「漫威傳承」漫畫書事件中的新服裝,在漫畫中是表達出當戰爭機器裝甲落在錯誤的人手會成為怎樣一件可怕武器呢? Hot Toys根據原著手遊中的CG動畫繪製的造型與比例,以合金素材打造了高度設定為32.5cm、具有逾30個可動關節的1:6比例裝甲專用素體,整體的可動性高,能完美實現多種電玩的打鬥造型。整套裝甲的外觀為戰爭機器裝甲的設定,塗裝師利用多層塗裝及舊化技術以突顯出金屬裝甲上灰黑色,深銀的金屬配色,更能展現出極之實在的合金裝甲質感。細節方面,頭盔和手掌配有白燈的LED發光燈效,同時在頭盔、胸口和大腿的裝甲位置印上標誌性的白色骷髏圖案,為正氣凜然的戰爭機器裝甲增添上一份復仇殘暴的感覺。此外,頭雕由Hot Toys團隊傾力製作,傳神地表現出制裁者面帶傷痕的歷練,散發出一股無可匹敵的煞氣。武器方面,此裝甲除了保留了戰鬥機器原有的一支可調校不同角度的重型機關炮、一對藏於肩膀裝甲內的炮彈、一對安裝於兩方前臂上的機關槍和一對安裝於兩方前臂內側的炮彈外,還特別配備上一把新設計的肩膊重機關槍連子彈帶和四組分別安裝於肩膊機關炮和前臂機關槍上的黃色火焰組件,豐富的武器裝備完美配合角色在格鬥上多元化的動態造型,更能盡善盡美地呈現手遊真實感!

【MARVEL Future Fight – 1/6th scale The Punisher (War Machine Armor) Collectible Figure】

Frank Castle, known as the Punisher, got his hands on a War Machine suit of armor and waged a one-man war against crime. He can not only deal with injustice in the most permanent ways possible, he can do so without fear of damage from conventional weapons. He’s unstoppable. He’s over-powered. Now the whole world is on edge as Punisher has the means to travel long and far to find targets to be punished.

Inspired by the popular game MARVEL Future Fight, Hot Toys is excited to introduce the eagerly awaited 1/6th scale The Punisher (War Machine Armor) collectible figure specially made from diecast material.

Standing approximately 32.5cm in height, the collectible figure is expertly crafted based on the appearance of The Punisher in the game. It features a newly developed head sculpt and an interchangeable highly-detailed helmeted head with LED light-up function, metallic black and silver colored armor with white skull motifs and weathering effects, LED light-up repuslors, a mini-gun on shoulder with an ammo belt, an articulated back- mounted shoulder cannon, attachable real-like thrust fire effect accessories and a specially designed figure stand!