HOT TOYS 1/6 Power Pose Figure《復仇者聯盟 3:無限之戰》Hulkbuster HK$2,680
【高逾50cm最新鐵甲巨型裝甲飾有細緻舊化效果 全身具18處LED 發光燈效】
Hot Toys 繼推出了鐵甲奇俠、魁隆、美國隊長、雷神奇俠、鐵甲蜘蛛、黑寡婦、樹人和火箭 的1:6珍藏人偶與無限手套 1:1 及 1:4 珍藏品後,現火速送上高逾50cm 的巨型Hulkbuster 1:6 比例半可動珍藏人偶!
新片《復仇者聯盟 3:無限之戰》電影中的 Hulkbuster 雖繼承著上集《復仇者聯盟 2:奧創紀元》的重量級裝甲體型與紅金配色,然而設計造型比卻上代更富流線感。Hot Toys 將採用講求外觀動態與比例完整性的Power Pose 半可動珍藏人偶模式進行製作,並採用塑造性高的搪膠素材打造,將Hulkbuster 身上的機體細節與流線感裝甲呈現,人偶的上半身將備有6處可動關節,包括: 頭部、手腕、手臂及腰部均具適量的活動功能;而下半身將擺出一個極具力量感的紮實馬步。此外,整套 Hulkbuster 裝甲均掃上金屬感強烈的紅、銀及金色塗裝工藝,加上充滿戰鬥臨場感的舊化效果,完美呈現Hulkbuster 於片中的戰損痕跡。此外,Hot Toys 更忠實重現 Hulkbuster 全身機體共 18處 LED 發光燈效,包括:眼睛、心口反應器、背部、胸甲、手臂及小腿等等,同時人偶更另備一對放鬆手掌 (備 LED 發光燈效) 以供替換,讓這個以力量級巨型體態取勝的Hulkbuster 以1:6比例完美呈現。
【Avengers: Infinity War – 1/6th scale Power Pose Hulkbuster Collectible Figure】
The long awaited Avengers: Infinity War has finally hit the big screen. Ten years in the making, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is coming to a head when its super heroes come together for battle against the Mad Titan himself. As one of the most powerful suits in Iron Man’s arsenal, the Hulkbuster armor is coming back to protect Wakanda from Thanos’s invading army!
In response to the immense fame of this enormous machine, Hot Toys is thrilled to officially introduce today the spectacular Hulkbuster 1/6th scale Power Pose collectible figure, which has been eagerly awaited by fans after it made its debut at the Avengers: Infinity War exhibition powered by Hot Toys.
The screen authentic vinyl-made collectible figure under Power Pose series is specially crafted based on the appearance of Hulkbuster in Avengers: Infinity War. This colossal figure stands approximate 50cm tall with 18 LED light-up functions scattered throughout the armor with awesome details, it is meticulously painted in iconic metallic red, gold and silver with weathering effect, two pairs of interchangeable hands including a pair of fist and a pair of relaxing hands, semi-articulated body with the ability to perform head, arms, wrist and waist movements.