HOT TOYS 1/6 Action Figure《AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR》Thor HK$1,630


Hot Toys 團隊憑藉頂尖人偶製作技術與獨特創意,搶先電影發佈打造出可模擬雷神奇俠激活體內雷電狀態般的極像真 1:6 比例珍藏人偶!此外,Hot Toys 韓國團隊參照演員基斯咸士禾夫 (Chris Hemsworth) 的短髮造型、五官輪廓以及表情神髓所設計而成,除了塗裝上逼真的皮膚紋理和濃濃的鬚根痕跡和細緻地刻劃上在上集電影被Hela 刺瞎右眼的傷痕外,更於眼睛位置飾上特效塗裝,於UV 燈光照射下可忠實還原雷神奇俠激活雷電時的狀態。Hot Toys 特別按照角色比例塑造出高約 32cm、具逾 30 個可動關節的肌肉包膠素體,飾有充滿爆炸力的肌肉質感和青筋盡現的細節,忠實還原人物的獨有特徵。戰服方面,精心剪裁的全新服裝,其獨特的黑色貼身背心與護甲營造出更豐富的層次質感,加上六個飾有仿金屬黑色的圓形裝甲和一件可拆除的紅色經典斗篷均完全參照電影戲服製作,同時更備配一對仿魚鱗裝甲手臂,讓玩家能輕鬆地還原雷神奇俠於電影中的另一款造型。人偶更附設了多個可組裝在戰服上圓形裝甲位置的 LED 發光仿雷電特效組件,一把全新武器 Stormbreaker、四對不同手部形態的可替換手掌和一個《復仇者聯盟3: 無限之戰》人偶系列的特色地台。

【Avengers: Infinity War – 1/6th scale Thor Collectible Figure】

The war between Avengers and villainous Thanos will finally hit the silver screen this upcoming May in Avengers: Infinity War. Superheroes will join force to fight Thanos, while the fate of the Earth and the Universe hangs in the balance! Fans around the world will witness the mighty God of Thunder to find himself confronting the unstoppable Thanos! Today, Hot Toys is pleased to officially introduce the 1/6th scale Thor collectible figure from Avengers: Infinity War!

Sophisticatedly crafted based on Chris Hemsworth’s appearance in the film with astonishing likeness, the Thor collectible figure features a newly developed head sculpt with specially applied luminous reflective effect on the eye that accentuates Thor using his thunder power, a newly developed muscular body with two pairs of interchangeable arms, intricately detailed body armor with LED light up circle plates and lightning effect accessories, a detachable red-colored cape, detail recreation of Thor’s new weapon Stormbreaker, and a specially designed figure stand with movie logo.