GOODSMILE 2017年5月30日起接受預約,2018年4月3日發售: WONDERFUL HOBBY SELECTION Non-Scaled Figure《滅世Demolition》滅世Demolition 小型場景模型 19,800 Yen 連稅
滅世Demolition 小型場景模型
Good Smile Company與Max Factory聯手打造的精選模型系列“WONDERFUL HOBBY SELECTION”商品陣容中,出自漫畫家浅野いにお筆下的超人氣漫畫『滅世Demolition』,小巧精緻的場景模型採“完全下單生產”的方式登場!以浅野いにお為模型全新繪製的插圖為基礎設計,不只是圖中的機械,就連植物的枝葉也製作得相當細緻。而台座部分更採用了作品標題中令人印象深刻的日文文字「デ」進行設計,打造出這款十分講究細節造型的自信之作。此外,商品內附浅野いにお全新繪製的短篇漫畫,是喜愛本作的讀者絕對不能錯過的一品!
De De De De Vignette Figure
A vignette figure based on an original illustration by Inio Asano.
From the popular manga series ‘Dead Dead Demon’s De De De De Destruction’ comes a new addition to Good Smile Company and Max Factory’s “Wonderful Hobby Selection” series of top quality figures – a beautifully detailed vignette figure complete with the background sculpted into the design to truly bring out the atmosphere of the series.
The figure is based on an original illustration by the author of the manga, Inio Asano. His unique touch and the details on the background not only on the robot, but even on each of the leaves and tiles has been carefully sculpted to ensure a figure packed with incredible detail. The tiles of the base are also made to form the Japanese katakana “de” shape that is found multiple times in the title of the series. The figure will also come with a bonus short manga written by Inio Asano. It is the ultimate addition to the collection of any De De De De fan!
「滅世Demolition 小型場景模型」封入特典為「浅野いにお 全新繪製短篇漫畫」!
デデデデ ヴィネットフィギュア
仕様: ABS&PVC 製塗装済み完成品・ノンスケール・専用台座付属・全高:約180mm
原型制作: 白鷺いさお
彩色: いわびつ