Soap Studio於2015年12月18日-20日 TOY SOUL 2015會場接受預訂: The Vintage Arts Series – 變形金剛(TRANSFORMERS)系列(設計師丹尼爾·康納(Daniel Khanna)在18, 19號兩日為各位粉絲即場進行手繪創作及簽名)

Soap Studio 將於 ToySoul 2015 隆重推出 The Vintage Arts Series – 變形金剛系列。為慶祝是次盛事,我們專誠從美國請來系列設計師 – 丹尼爾·康納(Daniel Khanna) 在18, 19號兩日於Soap Studio攤位(A01-04)為各位粉絲即場進行手繪創作及簽名。

初次來港的Daniel曾於美國康乃爾大學及 Cleveland Institute of Art 接受多年來正規的藝術訓練,以參與繪作多套漫畫如變形金剛丶X-Men及忍者龜等作品於業界享負盛名。

The Vintage Arts Series – 變形金剛將以毎日毎款一百套之限量作品於會場預訂:

■ 柯柏文(會場特別版連斧頭):$980
■ 大黄蜂(會場特別版連史碧加):$880
■ 大黄蜂(普通版):$780
■ 麥加登(普通版):$980
■ 星星叫(普通版):$980

Soap Studio之 VIP – U Memeber 將會收到電郵通知網上優先預訂方法及以下之優惠:
■ “U member” 預訂會場特別版柯柏文+會場特別版大黄蜂:$1,760。
■ 麥加登(普通版) U member價:$930
■ 星星叫(普通版) U member價:$930

U member及非 U member均可享有以下會場優惠:
■ 每日首 10 位預訂會場特別版柯柏文+大黄蜂,送 Daniel 即場手繪 1 張 。
■ 每日首 50 位預訂會場特別版柯柏文+大黄蜂,送限量非賣品變形金剛 Tee 1 件。
■ 預訂會場特別版柯柏文+大黄蜂即時成為The Vintage Arts Reunion(VAR)會員 。
■ VAR 會員預訂/購買變形金剛系列內12款不同產品將可免費獲贈 VAR 限定非賣品人偶1個。
■ 柯柏文、大黄蜂、麥加登及星星叫供現場預訂,每個人偶產品內皆附有收藏咭 1 張。

ToySoul 2015 will be the first exposure of The Vintage Arts Series X Transformers. To roll out this important event, Soap Studio has invited Daniel Khanna to do on site sketching and sign for our fan at Soap Studio’s booth A01-04 on 18th and 19th Dec.

Daniel Khanna had finished his professional training in both Cornell University America and Cleveland Institute of Art. And he is a respectful illustrator for the huge success in both animation and comic series of Transformers. Also he has done work as an artist in creation for various comic books over the years and published his art works with companies such as IDW Publications and Titan UK Publications.

Pre-order detail as below:
■ Optimus Prime with axe (Toy Soul Edition): $980
■ Bumble Bee with Spike (Toy Soul Edition): $880
■ Bumble Bee : $780
■ Megatron: $980
■ Starscream: $980

■ Soap Studio U member pre-order Optimus Prime+ Bumble Bee: $1,760
■ Megatron (U member price): $930
■ Starscream (U member price): $980

■ Everyday first 10 customers who pre-order Optimus Prime + Bumble Bee receive Daniel’s sketches
■ Everyday first 50 customers who pre-order Optimus Prime + Bumble Bee receive the Limited Transformers T-shirt of the series
■ Any customer who pre-order Optimus Prime + Bumble Bee is granted a free-of-charge VAR membership
■ VAR members who purchase 12 different products of this series will receive a limited edition figure 
■ Optimus Prime, Bumble Bee, Megatron, and Starscream will be available for pre-order during Toy Soul; one collectible card is also included in each pack