2017年5月19日美國上映, 香港5月11日上映: 異形前傳第二部《異形:聖約》(Alien: Covenant)

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4Cmf4BuNgg&w=640&h=360]

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svnAD0TApb8]




殿堂級大導演列尼史葛,回歸由他親手打造的世紀經典《異形》系列大本營,震撼呈獻年度科幻話題鉅作《異形:聖約》(ALIEN: COVENANT),並由「二十世紀福斯影片」榮譽發行。

故事從《普羅米修斯》伸延,為《異形》系列前傳三部曲的第二章,直接跟 1979 年首部《異形》函接。話說殖民太空船「聖約號」,正前往浩瀚銀河系中一顆遙遠的星球進行探索,在那裡船員發現一個像天堂般美麗的地方,卻不知內裡危險重重,更存著難以想像的恐懼和威脅!眾人為了活命,迅即展開連串驚心動魄的大逃亡!

片名:異形:聖約 (Alien: Covenant)
導演:列尼史葛 (Ridley Scott)
主演:米高法斯賓達 (Michael Fassbender) 、
嘉芙蓮韋特史東 (Katherine Waterston)
發行:二十世紀福斯影片 (20th Century Fox Film)

Ridley Scott returns to the universe he created in ALIEN with ALIEN: COVENANT, the second chapter in a prequel trilogy that began with PROMETHEUS — and connects directly to Scott’s 1979 seminal work of science fiction. Bound for a remote planet on the far side of the galaxy, the crew of the colony ship Covenant discovers what they think is an uncharted paradise, but is actually a dark, dangerous world — whose sole inhabitant is the “synthetic” David (Michael Fassbender), survivor of the doomed Prometheus expedition.

Production on Alien: Covenant is set to begin in February of 2016 in Australia, with Noomi Rapace and Michael Fassbender set to reprise their roles of scientist Elizabeth Shaw and the android David. Given the film’s synopsis, it remains to be seen how Rapace’s Shaw will factor into the film. Jack Paglen (Transcendence) and Michael Green (Green Lantern) are providing the screenplay.