HOT TOYS 1/6 Action Figure《Marvel’s Spider-Man》Spider-Man (Advanced Suit) HK$1,500

【《Marvel’s Spider-Man》蜘蛛俠 (Advanced Suit) 1:6 比例珍藏人偶】

以製作極像真珍藏人偶見稱的Hot Toys獲得授權製作,參照將於9月7日發售的PlayStation®4獨家遊戲《Marvel’s Spider-Man》,製作蜘蛛俠(Advanced Suit) 1:6比例珍藏人偶,此人偶剛在聖地牙哥動漫節由Marvel隆重介紹出場,大受歡迎! 今天鐵定搶先於香港動漫電玩節Hot Toys (展位: F01) 供粉絲訂購!電玩遊戲《Marvel’s Spider-Man》以Marvel蜘蛛俠角色造型為範本,玩家們可化身成超人氣超級英雄蜘蛛俠,施展招牌雜技能力、即興招式與不同蛛絲發射技巧,縱橫無盡地穿梭紐約城市,以打擊紐約市的重大犯罪。Hot Toys為忠實還原《Marvel’s Spider-Man》遊戲中戰衣與裝備的設定,按照最精確的外觀比例,配用高約30cm、全身具有30個可動關節的蜘蛛俠專用素體,可輕鬆呈現角色以跑酷方式在城中穿梭游走的各項姿態。全新設計的紅、藍色緊身蜘蛛俠戰衣是以高質彈性布材所縫製,並且採用滴膠和絲印技術處理布料上的各項細節包括胸口上標誌性的蜘蛛圖案、身上的網狀線條、手腕內側上的蜘蛛絲發射器與飾有仿碳纖紋理的手前臂配件等等。隨人偶配備一顆紅色幪蜘蛛俠頭造型頭雕,頭雕上的網狀線條與戰衣上的連貫到位,備有3對不同神態的眼睛配件以供配換,還原他在遊戲中的多項表情。同時亦根據他在遊戲《Marvel’s Spider-Man》的專屬配搭,特別為蜘蛛俠人偶配設充滿高科技感的武器裝備包括: 3款不同功能的蜘蛛絲發射器組件 (配換在蜘蛛絲發射器上)、一個蜘蛛無人機 (Spider Drone)、一個禿鷹干擾器、一個手機、兩枚炸彈、兩枚地雷、兩個Spider Signal、一個蜘蛛俠Q版公仔一個、多款形態的蜘蛛絲、一張Spider Sense 膠片、多款不同造型的手掌、以及一個人偶地台連背景咭紙等等,注目度與吸引力同步倍增,絕對增加其收藏及賞玩價值!

【Marvel’s Spider-Man – 1/6th scale Spider-Man (Advanced Suit) Collectible Figure 】

Everyone’s Favorite wall-crawler is back when Marvel’s brand-new and authentic Spider-Man adventure comes to life in The Big Apple in this fall. After eight years behind the mask, an experienced Peter Parker who’s more masterful at fighting big crime in New York City, is struggling to balance his chaotic personal life and career while the fate of millions of New Yorkers rest upon his shoulders.
Today, Hot Toys is very thrilled to officially present one of the most beloved character around the world, Spider-Man (Advanced Suit) in 1/6th scale collectible figure from the brand new action-filled game Marvel’s Spider-Man. With incredible amount of details and accessories, the latest Spider-Man collectible figure will definitely become an eye-catching centerpiece among the Marvel collections!

Impressively crafted based on Spider-Man’s appearance in the video game, the collectible figure features a newly develop masked head sculpt with three pairs of interchangeable eye pieces that can create numerous combinations of Spider-Man’s expressions, a newly developed body, a highly detailed and meticulously tailored Spider-Man’s suit with a white spider emblem on chest, multiple interchangeable hands for different postures, a vast array of accessories including a Spider Drone, a trip mine, web bombs, Spidey plushy, Vulture Jammer, different expressions shooter with several spider web accessories, a specially designed dynamic figure stand and a backdrop of city view.