HOT TOYS 1/6 Action Figure《Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones》Count Dooku HK$1,490

【全銀河系最富有兼具謀略的反派Count Dooku】

在星戰的著名反派中,除了氣場震懾的黑武士、終極邪惡的 Darth Maul 及陰險狡詐的Emperor Palpatine外,Count Dooku 也被星戰迷列入最重要反派之一。Hot Toys將為這位星球大戰中數一數二的反派角色 ─ Count Dooku 製作成 1:6 比例珍藏人偶。全新雕製與塗裝的 Count Dooku 極像真頭雕由Hot Toys 韓國團隊打造,重塑由已故演員Christopher Lee 所飾演的 Count Dooku 角色頭雕,刻上其深邃的面部輪廓、具歲月痕跡的皮膚皺紋,以及一頭灰白色的頭髮。

Hot Toys 特別按照 Count Dooku 角色的身高比例製作出一個高逾 33cm、具 30 多個可動關節的人偶素體,又根據角色於電影中的造型設定,製作出全套服飾,包括: 一件啡色斗篷連金屬鏈扣飾、一件黑色長袖軍服、腰間束上仿皮腰帶、一條深啡色長褲、和一對長筒靴;同時更會配備一把結合右手手臂的內置LED發光的紅色光劍 (可換配揮動形態的紅色光劍組件)、一把可掛在腰帶上的光劍柄、多對造型手掌和一個人偶地台。此人偶更配備仿全息影像組件投射器可獨立安裝上Darth Sidious、Jango Fett、B1 Battle Droid 和死星的全息影像雕像及裝配到人偶手掌上的仿原力閃電組件。

【Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones – 1/6th scale Count Dooku Collectible Figure 】

“I have become more powerful than any Jedi. Even you!” – Count Dooku

As a menacing Sith Lord and central figure in the Clone Wars, Count Dooku became disillusioned with the Jedi Order and thirsted for greater power. He voluntarily left the light side behind and became Darth Sidious’ dark side disciple, taking the secret name Darth Tyranus and leading the Separatist army. Dooku advanced Sidious’s secret plot to take over the galaxy, but forgot that betrayal is the nature of the Sith.

Today Hot Toys is thrilled to officially present our incredible movie masterpiece – the highly anticipated 1/6th scale Count Dooku collectible figure from Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones.

Masterfully crafted based on the appearance of Count Dooku in the movie, the 1/6th scale collectible figure features a newly developed head sculpt with striking likeness, a meticulously tailored costume with Dooku’s beautifully designed cape, a LED light-up lightsaber, a number of interchangeable hands, a pair of Force Lighting effect parts that are attachable to hands, a hologram projector and several hologram figures including Death Star, Jango Fett, B1 Battle Droid and Darth Sidious.