HOT TOYS 1/6 Action Figure《韓索羅: 星球大戰外傳》Patrol Trooper HK$1,330 (Solo: A Star Wars Story)

【足本塑造Corellia星球的巡邏部隊兵種造型 】

Hot Toys繼推出了《韓索羅: 星球大戰外傳》主角韓索羅和韓索羅 (Mudtrooper) 1:6比例珍藏人偶後,現推出新片中初次出現的全新帝國軍兵種 Patrol Trooper 1:6比例珍藏人偶!

Patrol Trooper隸屬於帝國軍的巡邏部隊,經常駕駛一部輕型偵察的Imperial Patrol Speeder載具作街道巡邏工作。Hot Toys製作團隊將精心打造出高約30.5cm,全身具25多處可動關節的人偶素體。全套Patrol Trooper巡邏部隊服裝貫徹著星戰Stormtrooper一貫的經典黑白色主調,內層穿上一件特製的黑色內衣,手臂位置配有一對仿風琴摺式剪裁的黑色手袖與一條黑色長褲;然後上身配上流線型的護甲,細緻飾有線條紋理與機件細節。此外,頭盔細節與線條相對簡潔,眼部鏡片採用了一字型綠色的單片式結構,嘴上備有氣體過濾器;同時因應角色於沙塵滾滾的街道上執行任務的設定,在整套護甲及服裝上精細掃上舊化和沙漬塗裝。除了掛於腰間的腰帶配件和繫於腰帶背面的熱能榴彈外,還配備一柄短槍和一枝警棒,加上合共附有七款造型手掌配件及專用的電影名牌地台連一張可替換的馬路背景地台咭紙,為星戰迷浩翰的帝國軍團增添一員!


【Solo: A Star Wars Story – 1/6th scale Patrol Trooper Collectible Figure】

Solo: A Star Wars Story has opened around the globe and is loved by fans and critics alike! The Imperial has expended its army with a newly introduced Patrol Trooper. These specialist Stormtroopers are the urban equivalent of scout troopers, wearing partial armor for greater mobility. The enlarged helmet incorporate enhanced-imaging sensors and communications gear, helping patrol troopers navigate crowded city streets and handle real-time data about suspects.

Today, Hot Toys is very excited to present the Imperial officer, Patrol Trooper in 1/6th scale collectible figure from the latest installment of the Star Wars Saga!

The highly-accurate collectible figure is specially crafted based on the image of Patrol Trooper from Solo: A Star Wars Story featuring a newly designed Patrol Trooper helmet and armor, a meticulously tailored fabric suit and under-suit with armor details, weapons including a pistol and a baton!