HOT TOYS 2020年11月20日發售: 1/6 Action Figure《銀河守護隊 2》嘉魔娜(Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 – Gamora) HK$1,530

【植髮技術打造「銀河系最危險女人」的蠟像級頭雕 豐富服飾可打造多個電影造型】

隨 MARVEL 宇宙十周年誌慶,Hot Toys 陸續推動更多電影角色珍藏人偶,現推出終極反派魁隆養女及被譽為「銀河系最危險女人」的《銀河守護隊 2》嘉魔娜 1:6 比例珍藏人偶!

頭雕由 Hot Toys 韓國團隊傾力製作,充分表現出演員 Zoe Saldana 於電影中飾演嘉魔娜一角的面部輪廓及表情神態,局部地在其全黑色的髮絲染上紅色,加強層次感;此外,Hot Toys 如實按照嘉魔娜的身型比例,特別塑造了一個高約 28cm丶具有逾 28 個活動關節的高可動專用素體,忠實呈現角色於電影原作中的各式作戰姿態。嘉魔娜 1:6 比例珍藏人偶配備豐富的配飾,包括一個在電影開段時與怪獸對戰時穿上的紫紅色長袖緊身衣、黑色緊身仿皮褲和飛行背包;以及一件拼湊紅、黑色調的長身中袖仿皮外套和由多塊仿皮布料所縫製出的貼身背心的造型等等,好讓收藏家們能夠透過陣容豐富的配套裝備令玩味與還原度同步提升!除了附上多對不同造型的手掌以供替換外,更備有多款武器配件,包括: 一把重型大炮、一把繡上圖案的銀色長劍和短劍,以及一個人偶地台。除此之外,更獨家附上一個捧著引爆器的幼年版樹人(高逾 5cm),造型十分可愛搗蛋。

【Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 – 1/6th scale Gamora Collectible Figure】

“Can we put the bickering on hold until we survive this massive space battle?”

When Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 by Marvel Studios swept the globe last year with great success, and the movie characters have all gained tremendous popularity. As one of the greatest warriors in the universe, Gamora is now her own person who found a purpose and a family. The most dangerous woman in the galaxy has put her skills to a better use, and fans are all excited to see her fighting the Mad Titan Thanos in Marvel Studios’ latest blockbuster! Today, Hot Toys is very excited to introduce the new 1/6th scale Gamora collectible figure which comes with an array of unique accessories from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2!

The new Gamora 1/6th scale collectible figure is expertly crafted based on the image of Zoe Saldana as Gamora in the film. The figure features a newly developed head sculpt with long curly black and purplish-red real fabric hair, a finely detailed costume including a meticulously tailored leather-like coat based on her latest appearance in the MCU, a sword, a folded up sword, and a selection of accessories unique to Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 including a blaster, an interchangeable long sleeve tee, an Aero Rigs armored with chest plate, a miniature Baby Groot holding a bomb and a movie-theme figure stand!