HOT TOYS 1/6 Action Figure《Star Wars: The Last Jedi》Rey HK$1,390

【全新極像真頭雕展現無比決心與自信 配可發光藍色光劍 足本還原最新電影服飾】

踏入電影《星球大戰: 最後絕地武士》上映倒數還有 2 個月的亢奮時刻,Hot Toys 推出各個《星球大戰: 最後絕地武士》以來廣受全球星戰迷熱烈追捧,緊接而來 Hot Toys 鐵定於今天發佈 Rey(武士訓練版)1:6 比例珍藏人偶,跟隨著 Luke Skywalker 於 Ahch-To 星球上進行絕地武士的訓練,未知她可否為正義一方帶來光明。
Hot Toys 團隊準確按照角色身高比例和精確造型細節進行製作的 Rey 1:6 比例珍藏人偶,配用了具有 28 個可動關節、高度特別調整至約 28cm 的女性可動素體,於全新電影預告片及幕後花絮出現過的最新服飾造型製作,採用具質感和細節布料,展現出層次質感豐富的服飾造型,包括:一件黑色無袖上衣、一條深灰色圍巾、一條灰色長褲、一對啡色仿皮長靴、一條仿皮腰帶連槍袋、一個啡色護腕,以及手臂上的麻布捆帶等。

此外,Hot Toys 韓國團隊傾力製作由演員 Daisy Ridley 所飾演的星戰女角 Rey 的全新極像真頭雕,傳神地把她的五官輪廓特徵、皮膚紋理、堅定無比的眼神於 1:6 比例頭雕原件內展現出來。隨人偶除了附上一把結合右手腕的可發光的光劍炳、一把光劍炳、兩個可裝配在光劍炳上的藍色光劍組件(分別是正常及揮動形態)、一把手槍、組裝式機械長矛、多對造型手掌及一個特別設計的人偶地台外,Hot Toys 更特別參照首次於星戰電影中登場的 Porgs,而製作了兩款分別高逾 3.5cm 的站立姿態和高逾 2.5cm 的飛行動態 Porgs,它是 Ahch-To 星球中土生土長的可愛異星鳥生物,擁有可愛 Q 萌的外表,絕對是新進的星戰外星萌物!

Star Wars: The Last Jedi – 1/6th scale Rey (Jedi Training)

“I need someone to show me my place in all this.” – Rey

At long last, Rey has found Luke Skywalker, the last Jedi Master in the galaxy. Hoping to find a hero of legend, she must unlearn what she has learned as Skywalker challenges her expectations in order to learn the ways of the Force.
Today, Hot Toys is thrilled to officially introduce the new 1/6th scale collectible figure of many fans’ beloved heroine of the trilogy – Rey!

The highly-accurate Rey (Jedi Training) collectible figure is specially crafted based on her appearance in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. It features a newly developed head sculpt, sophisticatedly tailored outfit, a LED light-up lightsaber, an interchangeable lightsaber blade emulating the weapon in motion, Rey’s signature quarterstaff, a blaster, and a specially designed character theme figure stand! Porg the avians, the inquisitive creature that exists in the cliffs of Luke Skywalker’s secluded island are also included as a special bonus accessories.