HOT TOYS 1/6 Action Figure《STAR WARS EP4 A New Hope!》Grand Moff Tarkin & Darth Vader Set HK$2,930

《銀河帝國 Grand Moff 官階服裝造型 ‧ 配備極像真頭雕、拷問機器人及專用座椅 + 改良版黑武士1:6比例珍藏人偶以套裝版本預訂》

今年是 1977 年首齣《星球大戰》電影上映的40周年誌慶,今天Hot Toys 鐵定推出監督死星建設的銀河帝國高級星區總督 Grand Moff Tarkin 1:6 比例珍藏人偶;同時推出改良版的黑武士1:6比例珍藏人偶以套裝版本供粉絲訂購!

Hot Toys除了準確按照Grand Moff Tarkin角色的身高比例製作出一個高逾30cm、具30多個可動關節的人偶素體外,更根據角色於 《星球大戰IV: 新希望》電影中的Grand Moff官階服裝造型設定,剪裁出整套棕綠色的高級帝國軍官制服。此外,極像真的Grand Moff Tarkin 頭雕絕對是此套人偶的焦點,由Hot Toys韓國團隊精心打造,完美地重塑出由已故演員 Peter Cushing 所飾演的 Grand Moff Tarkin 角色頭雕,細緻無遺地刻上面部輪廓和皮膚皺紋,更特別選取了一個較為嚴肅沉重的表情設計藍本。此外,人偶更附有一張高背座椅、多對造型手掌和一個人偶地台,作為星戰忠粉不可或決的收藏品。

Hot Toys 推出《星球大戰IV:新希望》Grand Moff Tarkin 及黑武士 1:6 比例珍藏人偶套裝,供錯過了選購黑武士 1:6 比例珍藏人偶的顧客補購!雖然套裝版本的黑武士人偶將刪除了發聲功能,但其裝飾、配件細節都經過優化改良,讓整體的動作能顯靈活連貫。套裝版本更會附有一把可 LED 發光的 Light Saber、一把 Light Saber 劍柄及一個 Interrogator Droid (拷問機器人) 作配件,機器人上裝有 Drug Injector (藥物注射針筒)、Sonic Torture Device (超音波折磨裝置)和 Electroshock Assembly (電擊裝置) 等的功能配件。

“Enough of this! Vader, release him.” – Grand Moff Tarkin

In charge of the Empire’s ultimate weapon, the Death Star, Grand Moff Tarkin is determined to crush the rebellion with one swift stroke by using the moon-sized space station’s planet-killing superlaser and strike fear across the galaxy. But with the stolen data of the Death Star in the Rebel’s hands, Darth Vader is tasked to recover the plans to eliminate the chances of the Rebellion stopping the technological terror and rule the entire galaxy.
In celebrating the 40th anniversary of Star Wars, Hot Toys is pleased to introduce the special 1/6th scale collectible figures of Grand Moff Tarkin and Darth Vader from Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope!
Meticulously created based on the appearance of Grand Moff Tarkin in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, the figure features a newly developed head sculpt with phenomenal likeness, a finely tailored Imperial uniform, Grand Moff Tarkin’s high back chair, and a specially designed Death Star themed figure base.
The new Darth Vader 1/6th scale collectible figure is specially crafted on the appearance of the Sith Lord in the film featuring newly redesigned gloves, a sophisticatedly-crafted Darth Vader armor and helmet, skillfully tailored suit, LED-lighted lightsaber, an Interrogator Droid, and a specially designed Death Star themed figure base.