香港2017年4月27日上映:《我的失常日記》(Brain On Fire)

■ 電影簡介

《我的失常日記》 (Brain On Fire) 改編自美國著名傳記作家蘇珊娜卡哈蘭 (Susannah Cahalan) 於 2012 年出版的自傳式同名暢銷書籍,由愛爾蘭新銳導演謝拉巴倫 (Gerard Barrett) 自編自導,奧斯卡金像影后查理絲花朗 (Charlize Theron) 夥拍四位曾炮製《心蹤罪》的荷里活金牌製作人監製,由《勁抽俠》《如果我留下》嘉兒莫蕊茲 (Chloe Grace Moretz) 領銜主演,聯同《金剛:骷髏島》《初戀有病》湯馬士曼 (Thomas Mann) ,《 22 世紀殺人網絡》系列《凶心人》嘉莉安慕絲 (Carrie-Anne Moss) 及《哈比人》系列《美國隊長:復仇者先鋒》李察阿米塔其 (Richard Armitage) 。

■ 故事大綱

剛從大學畢業的蘇珊娜(嘉兒莫蕊茲 飾)在紐約郵報從事夢寐以求的記者工作,入行不久就深得重用,又與音樂人史提芬(湯馬士曼 飾)蜜運之中,事業愛情兩得意。但好景不常,蘇珊娜突然患上久久未癒的感冒,身體狀態每況愈下,她開始變得善忘、無法完成工作,更開始出現幻聽幻覺,甚至癲癇症狀……父母陪伴她四處求醫,留院多時,卻無人能斷症。究竟是甚麼奪走了昔日聰穎可人的蘇珊娜?她又能否走出失常日子,重過新生?

Susannah Cahalan (Chloe Grace Moretz) is a young woman, just out of university and living her dreams in New York City. She’s an up-and-coming journalist at the New York Post, and she’s falling in love with a musician named Stephen (Thomas Mann). When her boss gives her the big assignment that will jumpstart her career, things couldn’t be better. Soon little things start going wrong. Susannah gets a flu she can’t shake, she forgets things, and she misses deadlines at work. She can hear people talking about her, she’s sure that Stephen has another girlfriend, and she can’t control her body. It soon gets worse; Susannah begins having violent seizures, and her increasingly psychotic behaviour means she must be watched at all times.

After repeated trips to the hospital, a team of doctors can find nothing wrong with her. Only when they finally find a doctor determined and curious enough to see her case through can Susannah begin to recover from her bizarre illness and try to get back to the vibrant young woman she was.

■ 電影資料

片名:《我的失常日記》(Brain On Fire)
香港上映日期: 2017 年 4 月 27 日
導演:謝拉巴倫 (Gerard Barrett)
主演:《勁抽俠》《如果我留下》嘉兒莫蕊茲 (Chloe Grace Moretz) 、
   《金剛:骷髏島》《初戀有病》湯馬士曼 (Thomas Mann) 、
   《22世紀殺人網絡》系列《凶心人》嘉莉安慕絲 (Carrie-Anne Moss) 、
   《哈比人》系列《美國隊長:復仇者先鋒》李察阿米塔其 (Richard Armitage)
發行:高先電影有限公司 (Golden Scene Co. Ltd.)